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in the whole world...alot...too many to one place ....still alot XD

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Q: How many people get their wisdom teeth pulled a year?
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How many teeth does a grown up have have?

An adult that had they're wisdom teeth pulled or not come through then you have 32 teeth. But if you still have your wisdom teeth you have 36.

Do I need to have my wisdom teeth pulled if they don't hurt?

NO! Taking out your wisdom teeth is orthodox but offers no significant advantages over leaving your wisdom teeth in. However, many orthodontists think that for those with a smaller mouth it's the best thing to do.

How many adult teeth does a person have not including the baby ones?

The average adult has 32 teeth including wisdom teeth. Less if you got them pulled or never got them.The person with the most teeth ever has 36 teeth

Can you get wisdom teeth at 8 years old?

You can, but it is not likely. Not many people even have have their wisdom teeth at that age. Most people have their wisdom teeth extracted when they are nearly done with highschool (16-19 years old). Your doctor may not want to remove your yet even if you do have them. I am 12 years old. I have my wisdom teeth, and I am getting them pulled out next month. It is possible to get your wisdom teeth that young i am living proof. =)

Why is it important to take your wisdom teeth out?

Your wisdom teeth do not necessarily have to be pulled out. Usually, the situation is that the gums are not large enough to accommodate all of your teeth, including the wisdom ones, hence they have to be removed to prevent crowding, which can be very painful in some cases. There are a few people whose mouths are large enough to accommodate wisdom teeth, so they don't have to be pulled out.

How many teeth does an adult human possess?

Most adults will have 28 or 32 teeth depending on whether they have their wisdom teeth. Some People may be born with supernumerary (extra) teeth or with some teeth missing.

At what age do you get your wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth appear when you are 17-20 years old but some people never get wisdom teeth 17-20 though I've just got mine and I am 13, my last two wisdom teeth are coming through at the back. I didn't notice I'd got them until I got a tooth ache and counted all my teeth incuding the ones coming through, I have 32

How many teeth do you have when you are a kid not pulled out of your mouth?

children usually have 20 teeth before they start to lose them (about at age 6). as adults, you have 32 (im not for sure whether this includes wisdom teeth, i dont think so)

How many teeth are there in 35 year old women?

If you have all your teeth, it's 32. Most people have wisdom teeth removed and some people have teeth removed for orthodontics when they're in their teens.

How many teeth are people born with and how many do they have when they are adults?

It is very rare for people to be born with teeth, though it does happen. People are generally born with tooth buds that later develop into 20 primary teeth. As people loose these teeth, they are replaced with up to 32 permanent teeth, depending with how many of the four wisdom teeth they get.

How many adult teeth do humans have?

The normal complement of teeth in adult humans (including wisdom teeth) is 32. Some people do not get wisdom teeth (3rd molars) and their normal dentition is 28.

How many wisdom teeth?

We have four, two on the top and two on the bottom. i was a really weird case but i had 3 on the top and 4 on the bottom, so 7 in total i got mine out last week, all of them, and it has been a total nightmare. Normally there are four. But there are exeptions, some people have wisdom teeth missing. Other people have surnumerary teeth, meaning extra wisdom teeth.