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The average adult should be getting 7 to 8 hours sleep regularly for good health.

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How can i get off work at 11pm and get enough sleep to go back in by 6am?

Depends on how much sleep your body needs to feel rested and refreshed. Lets say you actually got to bed at 12 and had to be up at 5 to get to work, that would only leave 5hrs to sleep. If you can do that, then great. But there aren't any sure fire ways to help you sleep deeper or anything.

How much sleep does a 51 year old woman need?

around 10 hours sleep x

Is sleep disorder an illness?

Hi! Yes sleep disorder is an illness, as an illness is a period of sickness that affect us physically and mentally too. Sleep disorder affects our sleep hours, we tend to sleep much less or very much. We feel distracted all the time, weakness, cannot concentrate, feel tired all the time. Therefore, sleep disorder is a sickness.

How much sleep should a 33 year old woman get?

4-6 hours

How do men feel about dating a divorced woman with 2 kids?

It all depends on how much he loves that woman.

Why do your eyes hurt when you look up?

Too much sleep? My eyes feel bruised if I sleep for more than 12 hours and painful when I look up.

What does too much sleep do?

Too much sleep is very non productive Production is the basis of morale Too much sleep = Low morale Too little sleep is not good either Sleep until you feel well rested Make up for lost sleep as soon as possible If you wake up and can not get back to sleep = low blood sugar If you can not fall asleep in a dark quite room = Low Calcium and /or High Cortisol

How long should a person sleep?

Most adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Some may need less, and too much sleep can just make you feel more tired.The National Sleep Foundation has a useful chart on their website for all age groups.

Should you sleep if you have had to much marijuana?

yes but unless you have smoked like two ounces you will be ok.DO NOT DRIVE if you feel sleepy just sleep somewhere where you can eat when you wake up

How much rest should a pregnant women need?

Pregnant woman should get good sleep. She should normally get 8 hours sleep in night. She should get 2 hours sleep in afternoon. This helps to conserve calories, apart of other advantages of the sleep.

Do sleep boost up your immune system?

yes it does boots it because you feel much more alive and awake in the morning and much more happy ... :)

Why do people feel tired?

We are like phones. If we do too much of something such as playing sports, all of a sudden you start to not feel too well and feel tired. So if you take a rest or nap or sleep, then you will feel energized again.