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i done sex with a girl who is hiv +ve and when i testing i am scared

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Q: How you have HIV before testing?
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Related questions

Is most HIV testing vountary?

Yes, most HIV testing is voluntary.

Which military jobs require HIV testing?

every field of the military jobs require hiv testing.

Do you have to take hiv testing for outpatient alcohol treatment?

There is no medical reason for why alcohol services would need to know your HIV status before you access treatment with them.

Does the HBsAG test for HIV?

No, HBV testing does not test for HIV.

How long can you go after being exposed to HIV before you know you have it without being tested?

It depends on the testing method. You have to ask your testing center.Latest advanced testing methods needs a period of 60 days.

If you become HIV infected will you get AIDS?

Yes, this a good known fact that you will, in fact have AIDS. Only if you don't get tested to find out you are hiv+ before it develops into AIDS. With routine hiv testing treatment can be started to prevent the development of AIDS.

What is a the minimum age for testing for HIV in the US and particularly in Wash. DC?

There is no minimum age for HIV testing. In fact, infants are often tested.

Do you need further HIV testing?


What information is gained from hiv testing?

HIV testing allows a person to know their HIV status and take appropriate health measures. Someone with a positive HIV test can start early treatment, for instance, and reduce the risk of transmission to others.

Can saliva sample testing diagnose HIV?

The saliva test for HIV provides results in about 20 minutes while the person waits at the testing facility.

Why couples should produce evidence to show that they are HIV negative before they are allowed to get married?

Some states require blood testing to stop the spreading of blood infected diseases, from hepatitis to HIV.

What does testing positive for the antibodies in HIV mean?

If a person tests positive for the HIV antibody, it means that person has the HIV infection.