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Q: I am a 14 year old male and when i squeeze my nipple a clear liquid starts the bubble out what is this and is it normal?
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Is it normal to have 2 nipple holes in one nipple?

Yes, each normal nipple has multiple openings.

When i squeeze my nipple clear liquid is coming out but I've been gettin my period could i still be pregnant?

Probably not. Getting your period is a pretty reliable sign that you are not pregnant. It's normal to secrete small amounts of fluid from you nipples. If it seems excessive, consult your doctor. Well my daughter is 11 and she has liquid coming out of her nipples what does that mean??

What if you have one normal nipple and on that goes in?

this can be very normal and there is nothing to worry about, it is called an inverted nipple.

What does it mean when you squeeze your nipples and clear liquid comes out?

if it is clear its normal. if its white and milky its abnormal unless of course you are pregnant

What is a normal nipple sensation?

Normal nipple sensation is when it is stimulated then it will erect and constant stimulation makes the uterus contract.

Is it normal for your dogs nipple to be black?

yes it is normal

I'm almost 17 and my breasts don't seem normal I have the breast then the pointy darker tissue of the breast but no nipple its just like its doesn't stick out just looks like cuts in the breasts?

It just another shapeof breast, my breast are thatway too as well as most of the woman inmy mother family, if you squeeze the pointy pasrt you can fill your nipple inside. it's called inverted nipples yeah i got it also, it sucks and is very imbarasing and yeah u can feel you nipple if you squeeze your areola.

Are long nipples from breastfeeding normal?

Yes, this is normal. The nipple stretches as the baby sucks it towards the back of his/her mouth to draw the milk from the breast. The nipple will soon return to its normal shape.

What is the normal squeeze rate?


Are big bumps around nipple normal?

That means you're gay.

You are 57 and your right breast has creamy color drainage when you squeeze your nipple What is causes this?

I am just a nursing student, but my advice is see your primary care physician a.s.a.p. Nipple discharge is not normal and should be looked into. Are you doing self-breast exams? Have you/your partner noticed any lumps in your breasts? Have you had any weight loss? Do you go for a regular mammogram?

What does it mean if you have a little hole in your nipple?

Holes in the nipple are normal There are holes through which milk can flow, and holes for the oils that lubricate the nipple. If this is a new hole in your nipple, see your health care provider for accurate diagnosis.