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Many women do, but here's the thing, are you sure it's old blood (very dark in color - almost brown even)? Even at that, depending on your stage of pregnancy, it could be a symptom of something else. You need to make sure that an ectopic pregnancy has been ruled out. You also should make sure that a molar pregnancy has been ruled out (although a molar pregnancy is extremely rare). There are also other problems that could be occurring that is not readily brought to your attention as a result of this old bloody discharge. Not only that, but the discharge of blood, old or new, can be an indication of something severe, even though it is usually perfectly normal. In any case, you should call over to the doctor's office and speak to the nurse on call when you are able to at the very least. Tell her what is going on and she will recommend whether you should come in for an exam or put you completely at ease.

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Yes! some people get periods and a bloody discharge(spotting) during pregnancy! Congratulations on bringing a new life in this world!

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Q: I am pregnant and have blood like discharge. is it normal?
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Can you be pregnant and your discharge looks like blood?

Yes if the discharge is a very dark brown colour it will look like blood.

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Yes its sort of like a vaginal sweat. Most typically normal unless there's a rather large liberation you should see a doctor. This also happens in large amounts when your sexually aroused or during sex. Then it would be normal for large amounts to be released.

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Hello there. A pregnant womens CM varies in each one of us. Some women have a great deal of CM which looks like ovulation discharge and some have a lot of normal vaginal discharge. The discharge usually increases as the pregnancy progresses.

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im not sure why u have got this, please go to your local doctor, as this is not normal

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I cant really say if it is normal i was 7 weeks pregnant and i had a discharge that was brown and i miscarried a day later, you really need to talk to your ob/gyn about what it looks like. It might be normal but you need to be on the safe side just in case it isn't normal.

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This sounds like a yeast infection. Does it itch too? If so, my bet is is a yeast infection. Go see your doctor.

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in the last month or so you'll have more discharge like mucus. you can earlier on though.

What does increase in discharge mean during pregnancy?

I know I did with both of my pregnancies and one pregnancy only lasted 3 months. So, I guess the answer there is yes but I imagine it could depend on each individual person. It is normal and healthy as long as the discharge is white, clear, or even a cream color and doesn't smell unusual. If the discharge is any other color, especially green (which is a sign of an infection) or even darker brown (which could be blood-tinged) you should get looked at or if it is accompanied by any other stuff like itching, burning, etc. Hope this helps! Pam

Is liquid white discharge while 16 wks pregnant normal?

during 16 weeks, the uterus is stretching and growing for the baby! So a cramp-like feeling is pretty normal and dont worry to much. Also during pregnancy increased discharge is normal as well (as long as its white, not yellow or smells funny its okay) If the cramps start to become intense, and you see blood/spotting, then you need to call. Never be afraid to call and ask your MW or DR about what your feeling.