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Its possible to have bleeding during pregnancy that You mistake for your period

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Q: I had period and seven days after your Dr say Im pregnancy?
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Can you trust in the result of pregnancy test if you do it before 10 days of your period and 6 days after your ovulation the result was negative and your cycle is 28 days?

Most home pregnancy tests say that they can only predict pregnancy accurately up to the first day of your missed period. Anything taken before that is pretty useless.

If your breasts normally hurt from ovulation to your period now period is due in 3 days and it doesn't hurt is that a sign of pregnancy?

Impossible to say.

How far along do you have to be for a home and blood pregnancy test to be positive?

store bought pregnancy tests say they show results about 4-5 days before a missed period.

Is 7-10 days after possible conception too early for an accurate result of pregnancy test?

Well it is hard to say without knowing when your are supposed to have your period. The best time to take a pregnancy test is either the day before your expected period or the day of your expected period. According to the ClearBlue pregnancy test accuracy results they are: 4 days before expected period= 51% accurate 3 days before expected period= 82% accurate 2 days before expected period= 90% accurate 1 day before expected period =95% accurate the day of expected period =99% accurate

You avw sex 10 days ago and the condom burstho long does it take for you to ave a pregnancy test done?

You can take a pregnancy test 3 days before you are due on your next period if you buy an early pregnancy test. If you take a pregnancy test any earlier than 3 days before your due period there won't be enough hormone in your urine to show you are pregnant so it could say no when u are. Hope this helps

How far along do you have to be to get a postive test?

* Well some pregnancy test boxes will say," Results 5 days (anywhere from 1-7 days) before your missed period."

How soon can you test for pregnancy using an early detection pregnancy test?

The early detection tests say 5 days before a missed period. I personally have been able to test positive as early as 9 days past ovulation.

If my period was 6 days late and then I had a light flow for 4 days could I be pregnant?

Quite possibly, take a home pregnancy test first, if the answer is negative and you still don't get your period, I would make an appointed to see your doctor. Remember, home pregnancy tests aren't entirely accurate. Good Luck.

If you were on the pill and had regular sex and had two periods since and then felt sick for three days after having sex after your last period should you be worried about pregnancy?

Yes, all the symptons you say you have are the early stage of pregnancy.

If you take a pregnancy test three days before your missed period then take on a few days after your missed period an it is positive are you pregnant?

Yes you probably didn't have enough hormone built up in your system prior. But I would def. say you are pregnant. Congrats!

You started your period today how long will it last?

Most women have a period that lasts anywhere from five to seven days. Now there are exceptions to this. Sometimes they will last as long as ten days, and I've heard of really lucky women who's period only lasted three days. But the average is between the five and seven day range. If your period lasts longer than ten days, say 13-14 days you probably should call your Dr. That is a long time, and if you do this on a regular bases, it can be hard on you physically and emotionally.

Animal with longest pregnancy?

From what I can tell Elephants are pregnant the longest. They have a gestation period of 22 months. Some people may say that an Alpin Salamander is pregnante for three and a half years but I am unsure about that.