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I have had my monthly period and that lasted 6 days instead of 7 days and started spotting 2weeks after does this mean Iam pregnant?

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Q: If i had my period 2weeks ago and i started spotting and i don't get my period until feb17 this do not mean that im am pregnant?
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2weeks ago before your period you had spotting now im bleeding again can you be pregnant?

It depends on the person. I personally don't think your pregnant

Had my period 2weeks ago and 2weeks later im bleeding again?

I just had a period 2 weeks ago then had sex when i got off now im spotting i dont know if it mean im pregnant or not kinda worried myself

I had my period then 9 days after I started spotting could i be pregnant?

probably you were pregnant and had a miscarriage

You think you might be a week pregnant but started spotting can you still be pregnant?

If you are looking "not to be pregnant" you are probably in luck. Spotting is an early indication of a late period, in your case.

What does it mean if you had your period and started spotting for 3 days?

It could still be your period. When I was 18 I got my normal period,then started spotting a few days after.(that had never happened before) Turns out,I was pregnant.So,it's either still your period,or you're pregnant.

What if your on your period but not heavy only spotting can you still get pregnant if he ejactulates in you?

What if your on your period but not heavy only spotting can you still get pregnant if he ejactulates in you?

Why are you spotting before and after my period?

your pregnant

Can you get pregnant 2weeks before your period?

You sure can since that's usually about when you ovulate.

Can I be pregnant if I had my period in February and March but started spotting for 2 days in April and then it stopped?

Yes. Take a test

I think i might be pregnant.. i had my period which started on the aug 6th and i was off by the 9th but here is it the 29th and i started my period..and about a week in a half ago i was spotting...?

Nope. When you have a period it means you aren't pregnant. Only in very rare incidents have there been women who bleed while pregnant.

What if you are spotting and then the next day you had your period does that mean im pregnant?

If your spotting one day, then get your period the next day, that would indicate that your are NOT pregnant...

Are you pregnant if you started spotting two days after your period?

No, if you menstruated then you are not pregnant - it is possible to bleed when pregnant, but biologically impossible to menstruate during pregnancy. Two days after menstruation spotting is normal, it's just the remaining blood leaving your body.