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you can tell when you start to crave sweet things like chocolate and other things but some women are different than others so it all depends... but yeahh...

try to see what happens to u three or four days before u start.. or think back to see.

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You wait. If you have your period, you're not pregnant.

If you don't, then you have to buy a pregnancy test to find out if you're pregnant or not.

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Q: If your period comes soon how do you know if you are pregnant?
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How would you know you are pregnant?

If you miss your period.Usually your period will come each month as it is suppose to do.But if you soon see no sign of your period and know that u have been involved with a male then it is most likely you are pregnant.

If your breastfeeding but haven't had a period can you get pregnant?

Yes, as soon as you ovulate you can get pregnant.

How soon will the pregnant mother know she is pregnant?

You will be able to know after 2 weeks.

What if you took the test after 21 days without your period and the test comes out negative and you start your period couple hours later on same day can you still be pregnant?

It's doubtful but if you feel that you may be pregnant you should see your dr as soon as possible.

How soon do you know if your pregnant?

Soon as you feel your body changing

How soon can you get to know that pregnant?

two weeks its called a two week wait or tww they have web sites that have support groups for the waiting period

How soon will you skip a period if you are pregnant?

You ovulate two weeks before menstruation - thus the soonest you'd skip a period is that first period, two weeks after you get pregnant.

How soon can you take a pregnant test?

After a missed period about 16 days.

If you have been trying to get pregnant and your period is due today how long should you wait to take a pregnancy test and should you wait a couple days or weeks to see if your period comes?

no you should take it as soon as possible There is no rush, but you would obviously like to know as soon as possible. Buy a double test. Use one test about 2 days after your missed period and if negative and your period still has not come leave it a week and then use the other.

How soon can you have blood test before you know your pregnant?

About 9 days after conception if you know when you concieved. Otherwise about 6 days before your anticipated period. Levels of HCG will be present and a blood test will be able to tell you if you're pregnant or not.

If you have just started your period can you still be pregnant?

Yes, you can. If you think you might be pregnant, go and get a test as soon as possible.

How soon after a miscarriage can you try to get pregnant-?

usually it takes a cycle