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Q: Is Hypoglycemia caused in diverticulitis
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Can breastfeeding cause hypoglycemia in mothers?

No. Hypoglycemia is caused by what a person eats or doesn't eat, regardless if lactating or not.

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What is diverticulitis according to a dictionary?

Diverticulitis is inflammation in the digestive tract caused by the diverticulum. There is abdominal cramping, fever and constipation associated with it.

How do you differentiates between hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia?

In simple terms, hypoglycemia is the condition caused by a low level of blood glucose, whereas hyperglycemia is the condition caused by a high level of blood glucose.

Can you get diaferticulitis from not farting?

Diverticulitis is caused by increased intra luminal pressure in the bowels so yes, it can cause diverticulitis by increasing the pressure in the bowel.

What does it mean when your lower left side on your belly has a sharp pain?

In many cases, persistent pain specific to the lower left side of the abdomen is caused by diverticulitis. Diverticulitis are small pouches created from pressure on weak spots in the colon. Diverticulitis are common, and even more so after age 40. When a pouch tears, swelling and infection can cause diverticulitis.

When Hartmann's procedure is indicated?

in localised or generalised peritonitis (caused by perforation of the bowel secondary to cancer or diverticulitis)

How do I correct a low blood sugar problem?

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is when glucose levels in your blood are below normal. It is typically caused by diabetes medication. To treat hypoglycemia, try eating foods with high amounts of carbohydrates.

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