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Yes If you are pregnant and are passing blood clots, go to an emergency room immediately.

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Yes, sorry to say that it is. I just had a miscarriage and that is what came out of me.

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Q: Is a white pinkish color clot a sign of a miscarriage?
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Is light cramping with pinkish bleeding and very small clot normal?

It was due to a miscarriage - it was the beginning of one anyways.

If there was thick white stuff in your vaginal area after heavy bleeding following a big blood clot was it a miscarriage?

Yes I'm sorry to say but it was a miscarriage and that big blood clot that came out was most likely baby. The same thing happen to my friend because some girl kicked her in her stomach and she had a miscarriage. She said she had a big blood clot come out when she had her miscarriage. I had a D&C at 9 weeks after we found out the baby was no longer alive. The D&C removed the Fetus but not all of the "material" so, two days later I had HORRIBLE cramps and huge Clumps fell out of me. The clumps were almost as big as my fist. This happened 4 or 5 times. So, unless I was having Quads, I don't think the Clot was the baby. Doctors say the fetus is usually grayish tissue, and some people say they could see the baby. It could also be that you were ovulating and a period took place, but also, yes it could have been a miscarriage...If the clot was a light gray-or-off-white color and a little transparent...

If you pass tissue that is not a blood clot and is more of a grayish pink color is that a miscarriage or just lining of the uterus?

please go see your Dr., baby.

How big will the blood clot be for a miscarriage?

it can be as small as a tiny drop

Does miscarriage look like taphole shaped clot with veins?

i had a miscarriage a few years ago and it was like 2 giant slugs it was heartbreaking

What does it mean if im almost 3months pregnant and you had a blood clot bigger than a quarter?

its a miscarriage :(

Is it a miscarriage if you have a Blood clot at 5 weeks pregnant?

Recently I experienced my third miscarriage at 4 weeks. I had two days of heavy bleeding and one day when a very large clot plopped into the toilet, which was the amniotic sac.Yes you do pass clots and tissue.Good luck and blessings!

Did you have a miscarriage if you had severe pains for several hours and when you went to the bathroom a big clot came out and then the pain stopped?

It is quite possible you had a miscarriage. Did you know you were pregnant? Have you had an ultrasound scan before or since?

Can you bleed a lot at the start of a miscarriage?

While many women who miscarry will start with only spotting, it is possible that the first sign of miscarriage can be heavy bleeding, possibly with clot or tissue passage.

Can blood clots be white in reference to wisdom tooth extraction socket?

Yes, clots can be white in color. After a tooth is extracted, the tooth socket fills with blood and a clot forms. Just like any wound heals with a "scab" if you will. A blood clot has several components (ingredients) in it. The red blood cells tend to wash away in the mouth, with post-extraction care like rinsing. What remains is the fibrin part of the clot, which appears "white" in the mouth.

How long does it take to pass a fetus after you suspected you have had a miscarriage?

The fetus is passed during the bleeding of a miscarriage. If it's in the first trimester, the fetus is smaller than a prune, so would look like a large clot.

Could you be having a miscarriage if you have had a significant decrease in breast size and tenderness paired with spotting and you had one incident of a red clot?

yes it is possible