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Yes, cervicitis, itching, and excessive discharge may be a sign of an STD. Other causes are also possible. A woman with those symptoms should see a health care provider for testing as soon as possible.

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This could very well be something like a yeast infection or pH imbalance.

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Q: Is mild vaginal itching a sign of an STD?
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What is vaginal redness bumps and itching mean?

By the sound of it, STD. Which one? Well it might be herpes or genital warts. There are other stds with similar symptoms though

What can cause vaginal itching after intercourse without a condom or lubrication?

The most common reason can be simply sweat or a fungii. Please consult your doctor.

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Is there a medical condition that causes the palms of your hands to itch?

I think that your palms are itching because you have some sort of STD. If you want to cure it than get an ointment called Benedreyl and rub it on your vaginal/penial area at least 3 times a day until your palms stop itching.

What is slimy milky discharge from the vaginal area?

with no offensive odor it is just vaginal discharge some women experience an increase of this when aroused or during certain points in their menstrual cycle also if you are pregnant there is usually an increase in vaginal discharge now if it has an offensive odor is causing itching or discomfort this can be a sign of a yeast infection or an STD if this is the case make an appointment with your doctor to have tests done and see what is going on hope everything works out for your Good Luck and God bless!!!

You are experiencing itching swelling and vaginal dicharge and missed a period am i pregnant?

not necessarily. this is one you need to see a doctor for. it could be an std or a yeast infection- or something else entirely. make a doctor appointment.

If you have vaginal swelling itching and noticed the skin peeling how can you treat this yourself I cant go to the doctors and i know it isn't an STD. What is it?

WTF!!!!! dude your vagina is falling off! you need need to get a serious STD test done,immediately, how do you know is not an STD, do you have your medical degree? to answer your question, of what is it? is called yes, you may have an STD. Go get checked before you pull your panties down and you see your vagina crying for help.

How do you treat vaginal sores?

Go to the doctor. You may have an STD.

Can you have symptoms like an STD but not have one?

Yes. Even a rash accompanied by itching could seem to be an STD and just be a simple rash.

What causes vaginal bumps?

Vaginal bumps can happen if there is an STD present. It may also be due to an infection or razor burn.

Why do I have alot of brown vaginal pus cells with a foul odor?

If anything comes out of the vagina that's not a clear liquid, you should consult a doctor because that is a sign of a STD (Sexualy Transmited Disease)

Does vaginal discharge mean you cant have children?

not really.. vaginal discharges may be a result of STD's or bacterial infections which does not necessarily mean you are infertile...