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From what I can understand, and I am no doctor, heart palpitations is the same thing as heart beat flutters. Heart palpitation is the feeling that your heart is racing.

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Q: Is heart palpitations the same thing as heart beat flutters?
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How are palpitations described?

Palpitations mean that the heart is not behaving normally. It can appear to skip beats, beat rapidly, beat irregularly, or thump in the chest.

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What does it mean to have heart palpitation symptoms?

Heart palpitations are usually symptoms of a disorder or disease. When a person experiences heart palpitations, they may feel like their heart is beating too slow, too fast, or the heart may feel as if it is "skipping a beat". Heart palpitations may be symptoms of heart attack, cardiac arrest, or even seizures.

Do easily getting tired not having enough sleep and heart palpitations indicate presence of a particular disease?

Things like: Coffee and tea, drugs, being hot, dehydration can causes heart palpitations A hert palpitations is causes in the heart when the cells of the heart discharge electrical impulses too early before the next sinus beat and this can causes heart palpitations and extra heart beats.

Common Cause For Heart Palpitations?

The vast majority of heart palpitations are not life threatening. People who suffer from heart palpitations describe them as feeling their heart skip a beat and then feel their heart pound in their chest or as periods of a really fast heartbeat or irregular heartbeats for a period of time. While most palpitations are harmless, they can be very troublesome for the person suffering from them.There are several causes for heart palpitations, both medical and non-medical.Medical Causes for PalpitationsCardiac arrhythmia � almost everyone who is suffering from heart palpitations has some sort of cardiac arrhythmia or irregular heart beat. Almost any type of arrhythmia can cause palpitations. The most common arrhythmia associated with heart palpitations is PVC's or premature ventricular complexes, PAC's or premature atrial complexes, SVT or supraventricular tachycardia or atrial fibrillation.Sometimes heart palpitations can be the result of a dangerous cardiac arrhythmia. Life-threatening arrhythmias that can cause heart palpitations include ventricular tachycardia or v-tach. Most often when someone is suffering from a life threatening arrhythmia it's because there is some sort of heart disease.Identifying the reason for the heart palpitations is especially important for persons who are also suffering from some sort of heart disease. It is equally important to find the cause for heart palpitations in patients who are at an increased risk of developing heart disease.Non-medical Causes for PalpitationsStress or anxiety � Someone suffering from panic attacks or anxiety attacks will frequently complain of feeling their heart pound in their chest. This pounding is a heart palpitation and can get worse with increased stress and/or anxiety.Exercise � Engaging in strenuous exercise will sometimes cause heart palpitations. This is because you have pushed your body to the point of exhaustion.Caffeine � Found in most soda and energy drinks, caffeine is a known stimulant. Some people are more sensitive to caffeine and other stimulants and this can cause heart palpitations.Nicotine � Nicotine is found in cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. People, especially those who are not used to using nicotine, will experience heart palpitations when first exposed to nicotine.Hormones � Changes in hormone levels such as the changes associated with pregnancy, menstruation and menopause will sometimes induce heart palpitations.Pseudoephedrine � Cough and cold medications that contain pseudoephedrine can sometimes cause palpitations. Pseudoephedrine is a stimulant medication.Inhalers � Medications that are inhaled, such as those to treat acute asthma symptoms, can be a cause of heart palpitations. These medications are known as rescue inhalers and contain stimulant medication that works to open the airways. The medication in these inhalers can also cause heart palpitations.In addition to the over the counter and prescription medications listed above, some illegal drugs can cause heart palpitations. Drugs that are stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamines cause palpitations.There are many different causes for heart palpitations both medical and non-medical. While palpitations can be bothersome and increase anxiety it's good to know that most palpitations are not life-threatening. If palpitations increase or are accompanied by other symptoms it's advisable for you to visit your personal physician.

What causes you heart to paluate?

Perhaps you mean heart palpitations. This is when the heart beats in an irregular manor such as fluttering,pounding, irregular beat or skipping a beat. It can be caused by many different things. Most of the time heart palpitations are not dangerous. Causes of palpitations can include low magnesium, iron, sodium or potassium, hormonal imbalance, dehydration, low or high blood sugar, fever, imbalanced thyroid, adrenal fatigue, certain medications, nicotine, caffeine, stress, coronary blockage, mitral valve prolapse, or problems with the heart muscle. Shortness of breath, passing out , dizziness, or chest pain can indicate you have a serious underlying problem.

What is abnormal fluttering of the heart beat?

A heart flutter could meen palpitation, which is what a random fluttering of the heart is, or could mean an illness such as heart diesise. It all depends on how old you are, if you are young it could just mean palpatation which shouldn't really give you any harm, but if your an older person it well could mean an illness, however it could just mean palpatation even if you are an older person. But what ever it is I would have it checked at the doctors incase of anything. They would normally take your blood pressure ect. I have little flutters now and then and I'm young but I wouldn't worry about anything.

Can naproxcin cause a rapid heart rate?

Naproxen sodium, or Aleve, is known to cause heart palpitations. If taking the medication causes noticeable changes to one's heart beat, it would be wise to stop taking it and switch to Tylenol or Motrin.

Would a heart flutter mean heart problems?

It's certainly something that's potentially concerning. Another term for heart flutter is PALPITATION. It is the subjective feeling and awareness of one's heart beat. It can be slow, regular or fast. It can be regular or irregular. And most important, it can be sustained or terminate on its own. In older adults, Atrial fibrillation is the most common condition diagnosed when palpitations are associated with general and cardiovascular symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations and fatigue. In younger people, anxiety or panic attacks are more common, but arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms) are also common. Overactive thyroid is another common cause and easily uncovered by a blood test. It is true that certain drugs, legal and illegal cause heart fluttering. Cocaine and amphetamine ("speed") often cause the abuser palpitations. Cold remedies that contain decongestants (phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine) also lead to palpitations. Many prescription drugs are not tolerated well and cause palpitations. If you experience SUSTAINED (longer than a few minutes, not just a couple of seconds like when surprised) palpitations, see your doctor immediately. While a heart problem is suspected, often fixing the offending reason (drug or condition) will solve the problem. The most dangerous and serious outcomes of palpitations from a cardiac cause include stroke, heart attack and death, so getting diagnosed and treated quickly is paramount. Some heart "flutters" are far less serious than others. Your physician should be sure to differentiate a benign one from a potentially serious one by performing EKG's.

Heart palpitations caused by hyperthyroidism?

Yes, thyroid dysfunction can sometimes result in heart palpitations, bradycardia and tachycardia. However there are many types of arrythmias and not all are the result of thyroid dysfunction. When the thyroid is overactive it releases more thyroxin. Thyroxin, in a nutshell, tells your body how fast to go. If you have too much thyroxin stimulating your heart then it will beat faster.

How do you spell the thing that doctors use to hear your heart beat?

he answer is it is a stethoscope

Is heart beat one word?

Yes, it is a compound word for the action and the sound.Hearing his heart beat is essentially saying the same thing as hearing his heartbeat, except that in the former, beat is a verb.