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No this isn't normal. See your doctor about changing the pill.

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Q: Is it normal to bleed heavily for the first three weeks while on the pill?
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Is it normal to bleed two weeks after period while on birth control?

It is common to have breakthrough bleeding in the first three cycles of pill use. It normally gets better with time.

Is it normal to have a period 2 weeks after giving birth?

It is very normal for you to bleed after birth. Usually the only time you won't right away is if you are breast feeding. Once you start to bleed you are likely to bleed for 4-6 weeks straight.

Is it normal to bleed three days after your period?

I am not very sure on what your asking, but if you mean after your cycle, then yes. That called an irregular bleeding, and it is normal. BUT if it continues for a week, or a couple then you might want to see a doctor.

Is it normal to bleed when you start birth control?

Unscheduled bleeding is common in the first three months of starting the birth control pill. If it goes on longer than that or is troublesome, contact your health care provider to discuss a possible pill change.

Is it normal for a eyebrow piercing to bleed two or three weeks after it was done?

No, that's not natural. But that is nasty. UGH! Just don't think about it and you'll be fine, okay? Good! (:

When taking contraceptive pill is it normal to bleed before you have finish a cycle?

Unscheduled bleeding can be a side effect of the birth control pill. It happens most commonly in the first three months of use. If it's happening to you beyond the first three months, or if you have other symptoms, or if it's driving you crazy, talk with your health care provider about other options. sometimes a change to a different pill will make a difference.

Do you bleed if you have blighted ovum?

I had a blighted ovum and miscarried three months into my pregnancy. I actually had a labour. If miscarraige happens earlier, it may just appear like a normal or slightliy heavy period.

Is it normal for a nose piercing to bleed?

I've had my nose pierced three times and the only time it's ever bled was when I caught it on some fabric and it really, really got a hard yank. Even then it didn't bleed very much. So perhaps go back to the place you got it pierced and ask them about it.

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i dont know this nose bleed

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