gluten free
Milka Alpine Milk Chocolate, Milka Chocolate with Nuts and Nugat, Milka Alpine Milk Creme Chocolate, Milka Milk Creme Chocolate , Milka Caramel chocolate Milka Cafe Creme Chocolate Milka chocolate in USA Milka chocolate is Kraft Foods' bestselling brand of milk chocolate. It is sold in bar form, in holiday shapes, and in a variety of specialty forms. The name "MILKA" consists of the words Milch and Kakao (Milk and Cacao in German). Milka is the leading European chocolate and one of Kraft's billion-dollar brands. Milka's unique lilac-colored packaging and the famous lilac cow symbolize its Alpine heritage http:/
is topic gluten free
Specialty shops, bakeries, or stores, probably. Most chocolate does tend to be gluten free, though, too.
If it says gluten free, then no. Other than that, yes.
All white milk is gluten free! Nesquick chocolate milk and yoohoo's are gfree as well
It's gluten free, and probably dairy free. Dark Chocolate usually doesn't have milk added, or it wouldn't be dark anymore.