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Q: Is spotting followed by a heavy flow from regular menstruation a possible sign of being pregnant?
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Are you pregnant if you started spotting two days after your period?

No, if you menstruated then you are not pregnant - it is possible to bleed when pregnant, but biologically impossible to menstruate during pregnancy. Two days after menstruation spotting is normal, it's just the remaining blood leaving your body.

Is it possible to have spotting after being pregnant?


If you went through a super plus tampon within a few hours can it still be pregnancy spotting?

No, spotting means light bleeding such as pink or brown discharge - heavy bleeding suggests menstruation, although it is possible to bleed during pregnancy if you are bleeding when menstruation was due then it is likely menstruation.

Is is possible to have a period followed by very light spotting during pregnancy?

Typically women that experience a "period" during pregnancy really only have slight bleeding with implantation. This is called implantation spotting. If you have confirmed you are pregnant, you should see a doctor for any bleeding.

Almost 2 weeks late for your period and spotting am i pregnant?

if you had sex then yeah it a 80% possible you can be pregnant -KiKi

Can you have your perid and still be pregnant?

No, it is biologically impossible to menstruate while you're pregnant. However it is possible for you to bleed during pregnancy for a number of reasons, such as hormonal changes. If it acts like a period then it's most likely menstruation, but if concerned that you could be pregnant then take a pregnancy test to be sure.

If you have spotting a day before your period is due you have never had spotting before could you be pregnant?

Spotting before you get a heavier flow is very normal...If you are normally like clockwork and you only have spotting and do not get a regular flo within the next 3-4 days then it is very possible that you are pregnant and that the spotting is implantation bleeding.

What is the difference between spotting if you know you are pregnant and actual menstruation?

spotting is light and can last for a day or two where your regular period will last longer...depending on when your last period was. I hope this can help you out and if i am wrong i guess congrats is in order

Help.. think im pregnant but dont know forsure yet but just started bleeding today but it was just a drop of blood so is that period.. or is it just the spotting?

What you describe is spotting, spotting is just light bleeding so not separate from menstruation - most people spot as their period starts, this is normal. If you're not sure if you're pregnant or not then take a pregnancy test to be sure.

Can you ovulate if your still spoting from your period?

Yes, you can't ovulate during menstruation but spotting can occur for a few days after menstruation is no longer active - thus you may be ovulating while still spotting.

Has anyone had light spotting but no other signs of pregnancy and still be pregnant?

Yes, that is possible. Take a test

Is it possible to have brown spotting around your expected period and still be pregnant if your temperature is still elevated?
