The human brain weighs more then the lungs. The brain weighs 9 pounds The lungs weighs 5 pounds
keeps them working stupid why else lungs power brain, brain controls lungs and others
The breastbone (sternum) and the ribs are connected by cartilage to form the "thoracic cage" that covers the heart and lungs. It is not unusual for ribs to be fractured when using exterior compression on the heart, as is done in CPR.
Every organ is connected to the lungs by blood vessels. The heart is directly connected.
No. The brain is heavier than the lungs.
The brain. Brain:7.8 lbs average lungs: 4.2 lbs average
your brain since your lungs are filled with air
The Brain
The brain weighs more than the lungs. The average weight of an adult human brain is about 3 pounds, while the total weight of both lungs together is around 2.2 pounds.