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I have the same things and I have pcos. Possibly you are having implantation bleeding. Get a blood test done.

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Q: Missed period period like cramping very light spotting Neg home pregnancy test Under no stress ATM what could be wrong you have never skipped your period?
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Spotting and cramping after missed period?

If have missed a normal period, and have experienced spotting and cramping that isn't like your normal flow, taking a pregnancy test is recommended. It is relatively common in early pregnancy to have spotting and cramping from the fertilized egg burrowing into your uterine lining. If it comes back negative, don't fret. Major changes can affect your menstrual cycle, from changes in birth control, exercise habits and even stress, to name a few.

Symptoms if u pregnant?

Light spotting and cramping, sore breasts, fatigue, morning sickness, a missed period, and mood swings are all signs of pregnancy.

What are some of the warning signs of pregnancy?

There are many warning signs of pregnancy. Some warning signs include tingling nipples, spotting, cramping, morning sickness, swollen breasts, a missed period, and/or darkened nipples.

You havent a pregnancy test yet And your period is supposed to be a week or two away But are pains in the stomach a sign of pregnancy?

For most women the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Some women do have cramping and spotting when the embryo implants into the uterine wall a week or two out.

Is cramping normal before missed period during pregnancy?

If your pregnant, cramping is usual. But if you're not and you missed your period that usually means your pregnant now with a bundle of joy.

Are you pregnant if your having spotting during your period and then miss your next period?

Spotting is very common during the course of pregnancy and the combined symptoms of spotting then a missed period certainly could indicate pregnancy. However it is very common for women who are not pregnant to have a missed period or spotting. I suggest a pregnancy test which are readily available at almost any store and to consult your doctor.

What does cramping nausea and fatigue mean?

Cramping, nausea, and fatigue can be signs of pregnancy. These symptoms, along with tender, swollen breasts, and frequent urination are the first signs of pregnancy, after a missed period.

Does cramping with a missed period necessarily be a sign of pregnancy?

it could be but may not be the best thing to do is see a doctor

Is abnormal spotting a sign of conception?

Yes & no. Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy that is red & accompanied with excessive cramping is a indication of a threatened miscarriage. However during early pregnancy spotting is very common but you should still report it to your doctor to be on the safe side.

First sex was before menstruation but regular periods for the next 6 years until this month. Can the skipped period be caused by pregnancy?

Yes, that is a possibility. One skipped period is of itself not a certain indication of pregnancy, but it's one explanation for the missed period. Consider a pregnancy test.

What causes abdominal cramping and missed period and lower back pain. Can it be pregnancy or cyst or something else?

licking my johno

Could I be pregnant if I started a bc pill about a month ago and last week habe light pink bleeding and now im having cramps in my lower belly and down into my Girly parts?

The symptom of pregnancy is lack of a period. If you missed pills, or have concerns about pregnancy, take a pregnancy test. Spotting and cramping can be side effects in the first months of birth control pill use.