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Q: Should i be worried if your nipples are burning and a lump formed during pregnancy?
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Do nipples go back to normal after pregnancy?

not really. they should get lighter in color but that's about it

How long do you cramp in the beginning of your pregnancy and is it normal for your nipples to feel swollen sore and burning if its not PMS at only being 2 and a half weeks pregnant?

Not all women cramp, if it is lasting for a long time and isn't getting better, you should see a doctor. The other symptoms are normal for pregnancy.

You are not leaking breast milk with this baby but you did with your first Should you be concerned?

Each pregnancy is different. There is nothing to be worried about.

What does it mean when a woman missed cycle but spotted and have cramp in stomach also nipples leak when squeezed?

She should take a pregnancy test. All three of those are symptoms of pregnancy.

How soon after missed period should you take pregnancy test?

The day of your missed period if your worried about being pregnant.

I am 4 days late and have backache and very light pink spotting. Is this a sign of pregnancy. Had an ectopic pregnancy last year. Should I be worried?

Yes, thse are pregnancy symptoms. Try not to worry about ectopic pregnancy. Take a test

Why are the bumps around your nipples dry?

nipples are supposed to be dry, it's in the bible. accept it ashole

Is back pain lower right side during pregnancy common?

Yes, it is. You should not be worried just visit your doctor.

Are continous nightmares a sign of pregnancy?

If the dreamer is wondering whether she could be pregnant, the answer is NO: continuous nightmares are not an indication of pregnancy. If in doubt, she should get a pregnancy test.However, vivid dreams, including nightmares, are quite common during pregnancy.

If you have sore nipples should you be concerned or is this normal?

It can sometimes be a sign of pregnancy, PMS or nothing. They can be sore because they just are. I experience sore nipples whenever I am about to start my period and when I start PMSing. I have heard it is a sign you are pregnant as well.

Should you be worried two pregnancy test came up positive and four have came up negeative?

YES! You should go to a doctor. The pregnancy test showed up positive because it detected the hormone that says your pregnant..