The spinal cord runs down your back from the base of the brain down to the level of your abdomen. It contains bundles of nerve fibers (axons) that connect the body to the brain, and also neurons specialized for the initial steps of sensation and the final processing necessary to control movement. The spinal cord is soft and fragile, but well protected by surrounding bones in the vertebral column. Certain injuries, most commonly due to traffic accidents and gunshot wounds, can damage the spinal cord. The first effects of this injury are acute. After time, the injury either heals (if it was not severe) or it becomes chronic, and perhaps permanent. The profound consequences of permanent spinal injury (leading to problems like paraplegia) have motivated a lot of biomedical research, but best is to avoid the accident.
The spinal cord is the main line that brings all nerve signals back to the brain so when this is damaged it interrupts the line. When the line is damaged bad enough the signal cannot pass and therefore cannot communicate with the brain. When for example the legs can no longer communicate with the brain they can no longer receive the "orders" to move, meaning paralysis.
what are the five divisions of the spinal nerves
Nerve tissue mass and spinal fluid are unable to replicate. Spinal cord injury is damage to the spinal cord that causes loss of sensation (feeling) and motor (muscular) control. There are approximately 250,000 people in the USA who currently have spinal cord injuries and a further 10,000 accidents to the spinal cord occur each year! An injury to the Spinal cord can happen to anyone at any time of life. The typical patient, however, is a man between the ages of nineteen and twenty-six. The most common causes of a Spinal Cord Injury are motor vehicle accidents (which are responsible for 50 percent of all cases), a fall (20 percent), an act of violence (15 percent), or a sporting accident (14 percent). Alcohol or drug abuse is involved in many of the accidents that result in spinal cord injuries. About 6 percent of those who suffer injury to the lower spine die within a year while approximately 40 percent of those who suffer injury to the upper spine die within a year. The spinal cord is a long rope-like piece of nervous tissue. It runs from the brain down the back. It is contained within the spinal column. The spinal column consists of a set of bones known as vertebrae. Pairs of nerves travel from the spinal cord to muscles in the arms, legs, and other parts of the body. Messages travel from muscles to the spinal cord and then to the brain along one set of nerves. Messages travel in the opposite direction, from brain to spine to muscles, along the other set of nerves. Each pair of nerves is connected to the spinal cord in the space between two adjacent vertebrae. The nerves are named for the vertebrae where they enter the spinal cord. The five sets of nerves connecting to the spinal cord are defined as follows: * C1-8 nerves enter the spine near the eighth cervical vertebrae, located in the neck. * T1-12 nerves enter the spine near the thoracic vertebrae, located in the chest. * L1-5 nerves enter the spine near the lumbar vertebrae, in the lower back. * S1-5 nerves enter the spine through the sacral vertebrae, located in the pelvis region. * The coccygeal nerves (pronounced kock-SIHJ-ee-uhl) enter the spine through the coccyx, or tailbone. Injury to the spinal cord may damage any one or more of these nerves. When nerves are damaged, messages can not travel from the brain to the body's muscles, or from the muscles to the brain. For example, a person may lose their sense of touch if nerve messages are not able to travel from the fingers to the brain. Or a person may lose the ability to walk if nerve messages can not travel from the brain to leg and foot muscles. Other functions, such as urination, sexual function, sweating, and blood pressure, may also be affected. Further information is on the link provided :)
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The nervous system has two main parts: the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, which includes all the nerves that branch out from the spinal cord to the rest of the body. These parts work together to control and coordinate the body's activities.
Complete refers to the severity of the injury, acute refers to the (initial) phase of injury, and C5 refers to the level of injury.Patients with C-5 injuries typically have no control of the wrist or hand, but do have some control in the shoulder and biceps areas. Other effects of C-5 injuries may include: * Bowel and bladder dysfunction * Sexual dysfunction * Difficulty regulating heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, and body temperature * Spasticity * Neuropathic pain * Muscle atrophy * Osteoporosis * Gallbladder and renal stones Immediate medical intervention following the injury will increase the likelihood of the best possible long-term prognosis. In most cases, the acute stage of injury is followed by extensive rehabilitation, which is designed to help the survivor adapt both physically and mentally to his or her new condition. While their lives will certainly be different than they were before the injury, with the correct intervention and support, survivors with C-5 injuries can go on to lead very fulfilling lives. In the meantime, scientists continue to study treatments for spinal cord injury, designed to both reduce the effect of the injury and promote the growth of functional
Some hip, knee and foot movement depending on the level of injury. The lower the injury, the more control over movement. A manual wheelchair may be used for everyday living, with the ability to go over uneven ground. Ability to transfer independently from bed to chair, and chair to car. It may be possible to transfer from floor to chair depending on upper body strength. Depending on the level of injury, walking may be possible with assistance or aids. Walking will be slow and difficult though.
The part of the nervous system that is not working when people are paralyzed is the nerves in the spinal canal. The amount of paralysis or the limbs affected depend on where the damage is in the spinal canal.
Members of Congress often have ideas very different from the president about what constitutes desirable public policy.
The 31 pairs of spinal nerves are: 8 cervical 12 thoracic 5 lumbar 5 sacral 1 coccygeal. They are formed by the ventral and dorsal root of the nerve that comes out of the spinal cord.
C-5 to the C-7 area of the spinal cord area.