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After a sperm fertilises an egg, the female is pregnant. Pregnancy symptoms include: * missed period, * nausea with or without vomiting, * tiredness, * dizziness, * breast changes and breast tenderness, and * frequent urination. Feelings of sickness (nausea) affect the majority of women during pregnancy, particularly during the first three to four months. Tiredness may be more pronounced during the first and third trimesters. (1st trimester = months 1-3, and 3rd trimester = months 6-9)

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Q: What are the symptoms after getting fertilized?
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I am not sure where to get fertilized pigeon eggs, but why not look into getting chicken or duck eggs. You can usually get them from a local farmer for free as long as you promise to return the young after they hatch. You are getting the same experience for free, or next to free! And Yes, chicken and duck eggs can hatch in an incubator.

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