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Ischium i would like to know what i can do or what kind of Dr. i can go see about this pain is the bone u sit on .. it hurts if i sit too long ,walk too far,or even standing too long

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15y ago
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14y ago

The ischial tuberosities of the ischium are the projections that become sore after sitting for too long.

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12y ago

The sit bones are ischial tuberosities in medical terms.

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Q: What bone is referred to as the sitting bone?
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What part of the ischium that supports the body?

The ischial tuberosity is the part of the ischium that supports the body when seated. It is commonly referred to as the "sitting bone" and bears the weight of the body during activities such as sitting and cycling.

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Ischial Tuberosity

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Does the ischium support the weight of the body when sitting?

Yes, the ischium is the large bone at the base of the pelvis that supports the weight of the body when sitting. It forms the bottom and back part of the hip bone.

What bone receives weight while body is sitting?

the ischial tuberosity

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