

Best Answer

Pregnancy, too much food put in there, period is coming, or compacted

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Q: What causes lower stomach pains?
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Where do you get period pains?

A little under your stomach by your bellybutton

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What are the symptoms for having your period?

sometimes you may experience breast sorness, vaginal pains, stomach pains, lower back pains and few others.

Why do you have pains in your lower stomach right before you have to go or pass gas?

the air from you builds up as you are trying to let it out and your stomach causes to let it go and as the air deflates your builds of and cools off causing you too feel nauseous

9 weeks pregnant and getting lower back and stomach pain?

Im 9wks2days lower back pain since 6wks, now stomach pains. Was told its normal, possibly round ligament pains or maybe simply gas lol.

Does malic acid cause stomach pains?

Yes it can. Because it causes major pain in the bladder and in the stomach. It hurts very much and it

I have pains in your lower stomach and right side x x x?

most likely your appendix id get it checked out if i were you

I have bad stomach pains been sick every day for a week my stomach is very swollen and pain in my lower back?

If you also have cramps in the stomach the chances are very much there that you are pregnant.

If you are getting real bad pains in your lower stomach what does that mean?

Might be Morning sickness, but I don't know all of your symptoms.

Sharp pains in top of stomach can also feel in back?

Gases in the stomach are pushing diaphragm upwards and causes the pain on your back. Change your diet to a lighter one.

Could be pregnant if lower abdomen pains after iui?

aug22 my first iui done.after iui 2days higher stomach pain for me.and another days stomach pain is low.and then slightly lower stomach pain for me.what are the symptoms for this is?pls answered for me?

What could it mean to have lots of gas bloating lower back pain?

Type your answer here... if i have lower back pain and lower stomach pains and gassy alot does that mean i could be pregnant??