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your back will start hurting. you will feel your breast growing. you will begun to feel your arms hurting because there stretching and all those emotions.

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Q: What could sharp pains in abdomen before period begins mean?
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Why to your back hurt when your period is comin on?

It could be the muscles (lower abdomen) are straining those on or near your back. It is typical during your period.

Why have i a Sharp pain that comes and go in abdomen area no period past six months?

If you have a sharp pain that comes and goes and it's in your abdomen area, and you haven't had a period in 6 months, this could mean you are pregnant. You may also have a health problem that needs to be looked at.

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The period just before a seizure begins, when an animal might appear restless or nervous, is known as the "aura." The best thing to do for a seizing pet is to make sure there is nothing they could bump into or get hurt on. Be sure to videotape the seizure so the vet can be shown the video. When the pet has finished seizing, take him or her to the vet immediately.

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because it could be a warning that your period is coming because you have heartburn

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You could well be.

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discharge has its own mind, it could mean your getting your period and it could not. because once you do get your period it can happen before the period or after or just randomly during the month

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Could an increase in sex drive and hunger and cold and a pulling sensation around the abdomen be signs of pregnancy?

It could be, i think the increase in sex drive does happen for sure, but i don't think it is normally before the period is due??? I had a lot of pulling and pressure in the abdomen as well during my pregnancies. The ClearBlue test detect the HCG level the soonest, I would take one now and see, even if you see the lighest of light blue lines, it is positive. have fun!

Just had period side of abdomen and stomach feels a little tight could i be pregnant or is this in my head?

The symptoms you describe are not ones that could be put down to pregnancy especially at this stage of your cycle. There must be another cause.

What if you got period during your period time but only for 1 day and it stop but you feel uncomfortable in your abdomen part. what is this means?

If you are pregnant, it could have been implantation bleeding. Take a pregnancy test. Hope this helps. The SALT talks