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It means your period is irregular and it may be you just started having a period or have been ill or under stress. If this continues go see your doctor and get some help.

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Q: What does coming on your period twice the month before and late the month after means?
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If you have two period in one month can you be pregnant?

NO if you just got yours for the very first time it means it is trying to get use to coming every month did you know it takes up to 2 years for your period to get into a regular pattern.

If you have your period the 20th of the month before last the 12th of last month and the 4th of this month does it mean you are pregnant?

No, it just means your period isn't stable just yet. I used to have my period twice a month before I got on birth control to regulate it. It doesn't mean you're pregnant just because you're getting your period every 3 weeks instead of every 4 weeks.

Will taking seasonic delay my period from coming this month?

yes, you don't have a period for 3 months

What Time of the month at the woman means?

time of month means when a girl or women is on their period.... duuhhh.....

No period but have the pains?

A lot of Females do get that, it is usually just a sign that your period is on the way, its like practise pain, before the up-coming event. I've had they pains before but my period hasn't came yet this month. Its perfectly normal, just stay in bed and relax.

What happens a month before a woman's period?

The only thing that happens exactly one month befor a woman's period is her previous period.

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It means it is that time of month

What does an Off and on period mean?

An off and on period is when one month you have it then the next month (s) you don't that's all it means.

What does it mean to have a period for over a month?

It means your weird ....

What does tomz mean?

Time of the month. Time of month. = a period.

Can you be pregante with your period coming like it is supposed to every month?

It's unlikely but not impossible.

What is prior month?

The prior month means the previous month, or often said, "the month before".