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If you have a fast heart beat and feeling dizzy it is called syncope.Two of the signs of a cardiac problem.

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Q: What does it mean if i have a fast heartbeat and feel dizzy?
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Is it good or bad if your heart doesnt pump fast or feel nervous when im with your boyfriend?

If you don't feel nervous around your boyfriend or your heart doesn't beat fast, it may just mean that you are very comfortable with him. A fast heartbeat and nervousness usually comes to those who aren't completely at ease with their partner.

When you have a heartbeat in your throat mean you pregnant?

No. This is just an artery in your neck that you can feel your pulse in.

What does it mean when you feel two heartbeats in your throat?

It's your own pulse/heartbeats. if you think it's the fetus' it is not. You can never feel the heartbeat of the baby.

What does it mean when around your belly button hurts and you can feel your heartbeat in your tummy?

It's your pulse you're feeling when you feel your heart beat in your stomach

What does it mean when you have a fast heartbeat?

it means something is going on at home and you are self inscure.

You are 38 weeks pregnant and feel dizzy with a bit of a headache what does this mean?

Either high blood pressure or preeclampsia

What does it mean when you see someone and you blush along with breathing quickly suddenly getting a fast heartbeat combined with feeling tingly but without the butterflies in the stomach feeling?

When someone blushes and gets a fast heartbeat when they meet someone or are at least near them it means they are in love.

What does it mean if you feel your heartbeat in the middle of your chest?

That means nothing.Its normal most part of your heart is at the center only.

When you look at a guy and then get dizzy what does this mean?

It doesn't mean anything. Looking at someone does not cause you to be dizzy. Getting dizzy is a medical condition and has nothing to do with attraction. There is another reason why this has happened to you.

What does Etourdi mean?

forgetful or dizzy

Does a fast heartbeat mean the baby is a girl?

No. You got to go the doctors to find out.