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You actually may naturally produce more discharge in general. There are also certain times during your cycle when discharge may increase.

Certain infections and STI's may also cause increase in vaginal discharge.

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13y ago

when sexual exitment -normal.

other time - abnormal, called leucorrhoea.

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As long as there is no burning, itch or bad odor from the discharge, it is most likely normal cervical mucus, which is the body's way of keeping the vagina clean.

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Q: What does it mean when a girl get a lot of vaginal discharge?
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Does vaginal discharge continue to be present when pregnant?

Yes it does. Vaginal discharge is quite a lot during pregnancy.

Is it normal for a girl to have a lot of discharge during puberty?

if you mean discharge by the clear jelly like substance coming out of the vagina then yes.It's just a girls bodu cleaning itself.

What does it mean when you pantes get wet a lot?

If it's yellow or clear it's most likely to be vaginal discharge. This arrives 6 months to a year before your first period but it can take longer.

What is the booger like stuff in your underwear?

It is discharge, which is perfectly normal, it is just something that cleans your vagina. However, sometimes there might be too much discharge or it might be a strange colour and then you would need to see a doctor. But other than that it is perfectly normal to have discharge.

What is a white foamy discharge that women have during intercourse?

It is normal its when you are having a lot of sexual activity and air starts to mix with the vaginal discharge and thus making it foamy. I hope this answered your question.

Could this be a pregnancy sign missed your period n having lot of vaginal discharge till now?

its not posibble tell go see a doctor

What does it mean when white discharge comes out?

It doesn't mean anything if you get white discharge. Most discharge is white in colour, the colours that may suggest a problem are grey or green, sometimes pink or brown (spotting) if inexplicable.

What makes a person give off a lot of discharge?

Normal hormonal changes like ovulation, sexual arousal, vaginal infection, medication all can do so.

What is your cm like at 7 weeks pregnant?

Hello there. A pregnant womens CM varies in each one of us. Some women have a great deal of CM which looks like ovulation discharge and some have a lot of normal vaginal discharge. The discharge usually increases as the pregnancy progresses.

My breast have been hurting a lot lately and when i go to the restroom I've been getting some yellowish whitish discharge what could this be?

Tender breasts can be have several causes, most notably pregnancy and fibrocystic disease. If you are not pregnant, it is probably the latter.Fibrocystic disease can also cause a greenish discharge from the nipple, and it often gets worse just before your period.Whitish yellow vaginal discharge can be physiologic (normal), or can be caused by vaginitis (vaginal infection, in which case you might have itching, burning, or a foul odor). Vaginal discharge can increase prior to menses, or during pregnancy.If you are concerned about these changes, you should see your gynecologist.

What is discharged mean?

Vaginal discharge is the result of secretions produced from small glands in the lining of the vagina and the cervix. All women have a little discharge starting a year or two before puberty and ending after the menopause. How much discharge a woman notices changes from time to time and it will change quite a lot between periods. Different persons can have different volume of "normal" discharge depending on age, cycle periods, hormonal balance and sexual activities. You can check different kinds of discharge and causes in recommended link. Discharge means your body's way of getting rid of waste.

Is having brownish vaginal discharge a good or a bad sign in pregnancy?

you should only worry if you are bleeding heavy or dropping clots most times you will discarge a lot of different types of fluid