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Q: What does light brown spotting with no clots before your period but you was late for the next one mean?
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Is Brown spotting with clots when pregnant ok?

Not normally - see the doctor straight away

Can spotting last up to a week and how dark can it be?

If you're having un-explained spotting you should seek medical advice as there are so many reasons for this. To answer your question, spotting is common to for 2 or 3 days about a week before your period is due (implantation spotting - where an embryo is implanting itself in the uterus) just prior to your period and immediately after your period. It also sometimes occurs for the day of ovulation. It's usually a very light pink or brown colour and not very dark, but can vary from person to person. If your spotting appears mucosy, seems to be getting heavier or has clots in it, please seek IMMEDIATE medical advice.

Your girlfriend had a brown and pinkish spotting one day before a heavy flow of bleeding menstruation Is it normal The bleeding for day one is quite heavy and then turn to moderate in day 2 and 3?

Can implantation bleeding be heavy until you need napkins? Btw the spotting of brownish blood contains clots, can implantation bleeding consists of clots?

If im spotting with blood clots could i still be pregnant?

You can still be pregnant even though you are spotting and loosing blood clots.

If when you started your period five days ago it was brown with brown clots and has been this way during the whole period is it normal?

Brown blood is usually old blood but if it was light then rule out pregnancy.

If you have your period while pregnant would you get big clots and a dark brownish color?

Clots during pregnancy is usually a indication of a miscarriage. Brown bleeding is usually old blood which isn't a normal period.

Blood clots during your period?

blood clots doing my period

Is a light period days before your cycle begins and you get no regular period on that day mean your pregnant?

I've been pregnant twice and both times I got about a 2-4 day period of brown/light colored period with no clots (very light, usually I have 6-7 days with clots and dark blood). Both times I got this right before or right around when I should have gotten my regular period. Then I didnt have anymore bleeding and yes I was pregnant.

Your periods are ALWAYS normal but this time 3 days before you start you have light spotting that's brown with occasional clots and none of your normal cycle symptoms Is this norm could I be pregnant?

This just means that your period is coming down lot. but you do not need to worry your self to much. This just means that your period is coming down lot. but you do not need to worry your self to much. This just means that your period is coming down lot. but you do not need to worry your self to much.

Can blood clots delay you period?

No. Blood clots are part of a normal period.

Brown spots on tampon?

If you remove a tampon and it has brown spots then it is likely old blood, normal when your period is light as it takes time for the blood to leave your body and it goes brown. If your period is light then you should not be using tampons at all, only use tampons with full flow. If the tampon has brown spots before insertion then throw it out and check other tampons before using them.