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Unfortunately cramping during pregnancy can mean a number of different things. I will tell you what I know then I will find you some resources that you can look at yourself!

# Implantation bleeding # stretching or growing of the uterus # miscarriage # ectopic pregnancy

# Constipation # gas # pre-term labor # Braxton Hicks Contractions * * *

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16y ago
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16y ago

no, cramping can be a sign of irregular menses or stress. Important to note that the rectum and bladder are in the same area and pain there can sometimes feel like uterine pain. If it persists see a doctor to be sure you don't have a bladder infection. good luck Joymaker RN

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9y ago

Menstrual cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea or period pains, are painful sensations felt in the lower abdomen that can occur both before and during a woman's menstrual period. The pain ranges from dull and annoying to severe and extreme

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9y ago

Cramping in your uterus is usually an indicator that your menstrual cycle is about to start. A heating bad and a Motrin should help to relieve the cramping.

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When does cramping in pregnancy finish?

Cramping generally occurs throughout pregnancy, as the uterus grows and stretches.

Why does cramping occur in a miscarriage?

The cramping occurs because the uterus attempts to push out the pregnancy tissue.

Why are you cramping after a period?

This is most likely post period PMS cramping. Your Uterus can continue to contract and cause cramping for a few days after your period. This is normal.

Why are you cramping after period?

This is most likely post period PMS cramping. Your Uterus can continue to contract and cause cramping for a few days after your period. This is normal.

If you get a lower backache that feels worse when lying down and some slight cramping without bleeding does this mean a miscarriage is going to occur?

Noone can say for sure if a miscarraige will happen. If you are pregnant and experiencing these symptoms, call your doctor immediately. It's not good. Well, it may not be bad either. If you have a tipped uterus, as the uterus expands, you will get mild cramping and back pain. Having a miscarriage isn't slight cramping. It is like you are having a bad period. Your uterus is trying to expell the fetus. However, if you have bleeding, call the doctor. But you are going to have mild cramping little by little as your uterus starts to expand. If it because severe cramping with blood or so severe you can't take it, go to the ER or call a doctor.

What is implanation cramping?

Implantation is where the fertlised egg attaches to the uterus (womb) lining where the cells will rapidly multiply to become a baby. This can sometimes cause mild cramping, and this is what implantation cramping is

5 weeks pregnant and cramping?

Cramping during pregnancy, unfortunately, can mean multiple things; some are okay and some are not so good. It can be gas, constipation, your uterus growing; signs of an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and the list can go on and on. If the cramping continues and it concerns you too much you should contact your doctor.

I'm 14week's and 6day's is it normal to have cramping?

Cramping during pregnancy, unfortunately, can mean multiple things; some are okay and some are not so good. It can be gas, constipation, your uterus growing; signs of an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and the list can go on and on. If the cramping continues and it concerns you too much you should contact your doctor.

Why do girls got pain in the lower part of their stomach when they have menstruation?

The muscles of the uterus called the myometrium are cramping from the constant movement to shed the uterus' lining.

Why does your stomache hurt when on your period?

The lining of your uterus builds up over the month in preparation for an egg to be implanted when fertilized. If this does not happen your hormones start the uterus to contract and expel the blood. When your uterus contract severely you feel it as cramping in your lower abdomen.

Is cramping of the uterus at 5 weeks pregnant caused by expanding?

im asking the same question

When your pregnant and getting sharp pains what does that mean?

Cramping during pregnancy, unfortunately, can mean multiple things; some are okay and some are not so good. It can be gas, constipation, your uterus growing; signs of an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and the list can go on and on. If the cramping continues and it concerns you too much you should contact your doctor.