A white pus discharge from any nipple in a man is very serious because it could be a tumor. The discharge may not be pus and could be normal discharge if from a woman. Although, if it is pus, it could be a sign of Breast cancer.
sounds like your pregnant...
Yes, after extended use, nipple suction does make the enlargement and elongation permanent: the nipple will not stay erect, but will stay out and function like a normal nipple--enlarging when stimulated.
It looks like white discharge hun. that's kind of a silly question. Gooey, thick, white substance.
If a person has a thick white discharge that is like toilet paper, they should probably seek treatment from a physician. This type of discharge is not common.
Maybe you should take a pregnancy test!
Both male and female adolescents may experience a milky discharge during puberty. Nipple discharge in the adult male is more often associated with a malignant condition than in the female. Mammography should be performed and biopsy should be performed if a mass or mammographic abnormality is found.
yeast infection
Sounds like vaginal discharge.
this depends. if you have had a baby before, sometimes your breasts still leak milk. if you are young, your nipples sometimes give out a milk like discharge, which is totally normal.
White cottage-cheese like discharge is a symptom of a yeast infection. If you suspect a vaginal infection go to your doctors for tests and treatment.
under the engine, passanger side. looks like a white nipple
Inverted symmetry is where the principle of symmetry is applied with half inverted. like that of playing card.