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Meat and poultry that are undercooked or that have been left out to long can be a surefire way to gamble with it.

also once they are growing bacteria can leack into them and casue poisoning so it is not the food that has the poison in it is if bacteria and othet stuff get into it also i think eels if u dont clean them properly that can poison you

Any cooked food that is not re-heated to the right temperature, could give you food poisoning.Dairy produce such as unpasturised cheeses can cause food poisoning,usually from the lysteria bug.

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Q: What foods cause food poisoning?
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Can iced tea cause food poisoning?

yes, all foods items can

Which foods contain food poisoning?

Food poisoning is either in foods that are not cooked properly, overdue, or rotten. Well, of course if it's poisoned then it obviously has poisoning as well.

Are food poisoning and listeria symptoms the same thing?

Listeria and food poisoning are the same. They are caused by foods which have been contaminated with the listeria bacteria. Many foods such as ready to eat and prepackaged seafood, oysters, salads, and fruit are all prone to carry the listeria bacteria. Foods which are not cooked properly can also cause food poisoning.

What fungi cause food poisoning?

Mucor,Penicillium,Aspergillus can cause food poisoning

Is it only the microorganisms on food that cause food poisoning?

No. Many foods contain toxins (think mushrooms) which must be removed to make foods safe to eat. But microorganisms can also make food unsafe.

Can wine cause food poisoning?

No. It can however cause alcohol poisoning.

What microorganism causes food poisoning?

Strains of E.Coli can cause food poisoning.

What is food poisoning and how can you get it?

When you eat rotten or uncooked foods food poisoning(botulism) is caused by c.botulinum. many other microorganisms can also be the cause of food poisoning.

Which foods are most likely to cause food poisoning sandwich meat pie chocolate mousse?

Anything with meat, cooked OR raw, is most likely to cause food poisoning, especially if the meat has not been kept hot or cold and was not refrigerated between use.

Which metals can cause food poisoning?

Food stored in containers lined with cadmium has been known to cause poisoning.

What are reasons studying food safety and sanitation?

we need to study food safety and sanitation in order to prevent contaminations or the spread of germs which is the cause of food poisoning and this may cause illnesses. :)aivan32

Can celery cause food poisoning?
