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If the egg is fertilized and results in pregnancy then the menstrual cycle stops. The menstrual cycle exists to allow pregnancy to occur, so when pregnant no need for it to continue.

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Q: What happens in the menstrual cycle if an egg is fertilized?
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Related questions

Why is the menstrual cycle so important?

The menstrual cycle is where the woman release an egg. If the egg is fertilized, she will become pregnant and produce a child. The menstrual cycle is important for human reproduction.

What happens to the uterus between each ovulation?

Between each ovulation, the lining the uterus is shed in the menstrual cycle. If the egg is fertilized, no further ovulation occurs and no menstrual shedding happens.

Why does menstruation takes place?

The menstrual cycle is a series of hormonal changes in which an egg matures and is released and the uterine lining thickens so that the egg, if fertilized, can implant in it. Menstruation happens when the uterine lining sheds because no fertilized egg has implanted.

How does the uterus change during the menstrual cycle?

The uterus prepares for the arrival of a fertilized egg.

Why does a womens uterus thicken?

Progestrone causes the uterine lining to thicken in preparation of a fertilized egg. If no egg is fertilized, the thick lining is shed as a menstrual cycle.

When does the fertilized egg implant into the uterus?

It takes place during the menstrual cycle, and the process is called ovulation. (Another name for the fertilized egg is a 'zygote') Ovulation is not a fertilized egg. Ovulation is the release of an unfertilized egg. The fertilized egg implants about 6-8 days after ovulation

Why does the menstrual cycle happen?

Your body is getting ready to have a baby but if the egg you produce is not fertilized by a sperm it along with it's lining fall out of your body through your vagina therefore creating your period which then happens over again creating the menstrual cycle. Hope this helps!

What happens to the egg follicle the ovary?

A mature follicle will be released during ovulation and travel to the uterus. If is it fertilized, then it will implant in the uterine wall. If it does not then it will be passed out of the body during the menstrual cycle.

What happens to the egg when it isnt fertilized?

It dies and is eventually flushed as waste. This happens as part of a women's menstrual cycle; its primary purpose being to cleanse the uterus before new eggs are produced.

What does estrogen do during the menstrual cycle?

Estrogen causes the lining of the uterus to thicken in preparation for receiving a fertilized egg.

What happens in the uterus if the egg is not fertilized?

If the egg is not fertilized it disintegrates (breaks down) and menstruation (your period) begins 11-16 days later. The mature egg is fertilized when it is joined with a sperm cell.

What happens in a 28 day menstrual period and what kind of phases occur in a period?

About once a month, the uterus grows a new, thickened lining (endometrium) that can hold a fertilized egg. When there is no fertilized egg to start a pregnancy, the uterus then sheds its lining. This is the monthly menstrual bleeding (also called menstruation or menstrual period). The MC is measured from the first day of menstrual bleeding, Day 1, up to Day 1 of your next menstrual bleeding. Although 28 days is the average cycle length, it is normal to have a cycle that is shorter or longer.