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it breaks and this is why women have periods, women have periods as soon as they hit puberty ranging from 8 to 18.

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Q: What happens to the wall of the uterus if no fertilisation takes place?
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Where fertilisation takes place?

Human fertilisation can take place at the oviduct where the ovum is being released and when the sperm swims towards it.After fertilisation,when the both sex cells fuses,the ovum will be moved to the uterus.

What is the female reproductive part known as?

The Uterus, its also known as the womb where the eggs come from and the fertilisation takes place... hope this helps

When does menstruation takes place?

it takes place when fertilisation does not occur,then the unfertilised ovum is expelled from the uterus through the vaginal opening along with some tissues and blood

Where does the fertilisation occur?

it takes place in the oviduct.

Where does fertilisation normally take place?

It takes place in the female.

What happens to the level of hormones and the wall of the uterus if no fertilisation takes place?

superman then goes and stabs 100 bad guys and the he goes to sleep because he would have a headache. then he would then wake up and shot himself becasue he know's he can't live.

What happens to the lining of the uterus just before ovulation takes place?

The egg ripens in the ovary.

Where does fertilization take place in human body?

fertilisation takes place in fallopian tube

Where firtilisation happens?

Fertilisation normally occurs high up in the Fallopian tube. Once fertilisation has taken place development of a new individual begins immediately but it takes about 6 days before the growing structure reaches the uterus and becomes embedded in the lining of the uterus where it is receives nourishment from the mother's blood. This embedding is known as implantation. After implantation the developing embryo releases a chemical into the mother's blood preventing menstruation and so failure to menstruate is often the first sign of pregnancy.

Where do sperm and egg cell meets -turtle?

Fertilisation takes place externally. The female produces frog spawn and the male fertilises the frog spawn outside the female's body.

Does implantation take place in the oviduct?

No, it takes place in the uterus

What type of fertilisation takes place in a rat?

the male insterts his penis into the females vaginia