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Something serious. See a doctor

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Q: What is Passing blood in urine a symptom of?
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What is the symptoms of the tumor?

painless hematuria ( blood in urine is the earliest symptom )

Is blood in urine only a symptom of kidney cancer or are there other diseases with that symptom?

Blood in your urine is called gross hemeturia. It can be linked to cancer however there are other lesser problems it can be linked to such as kidney stones or UTI.

What is normal investigation done for urine?

Urine is tested for the following in a laboratory: Sugar, blood, protein, white blood cells, and bacteria. The presence of these in your urine is usually the symptom of a problem. Also the urine PH balance (acidity) is tested.

Can a kidney stone in the kidney cause clotting and blood in the urine?

Yes , you may have blood in the urine because the kidney stone has jagged edges . Blood in the urine is often an indicator/symptom of 'passing' a stone . (I would seek medical attention .)

What are hematuria?

Any condition in which the urine contains blood or red blood cells.

What does it mean to have while cells show up in you urine?

White blood cells are usually not found in the urine due to the kidney. When there are white blood cells in the urine this if due to an infection. The kidney becomes inflamed and this allows the passing of white blood cells.

What happens when blood appears in urine?

Blood in urine is a symptom of a number of medical conditions. The two most common causes are urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Rarer illnesses causing blood in the urine can be serious, such as tumours. If you are suffering from this problem you should seek medical attention immediately.

Is smelly urine a symptom if pregnancy?

Not usually. But it can be a symptom of eating asparagus!

What are the symptoms of Nephritis?

Protein and cellular casts in the urine indicate possible lupus nephritis. Foaming urine can be a symptom. In advanced stages, high blood pressure and swelling of the lower extremities are also symptoms.

Should your mare be passing blood in urine after giving birth?

This is probably not blood from the urinary tract but mixed in with the urine as it is discharged from the uterus and vagina. If you are concerned a post foaling evaluation of the mare's reproductive and urinary tract may be advisable.

A symptom of alcohol poisoning is?

vomit, seizure, passing out

Are there specific symptoms or signs that indicate bladder cancer?

painless hematuria ( blood in urine is the earliest symptom )