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Influenza, or the flu, is a very serious disease. It can kill people, especially very old or very young people who have weaker immune systems.

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Related questions

Is flu and bad flu the same?

Yes, when people talk about having bad flu or a bad case of the flu, they just mean it is giving them worse symptoms than usual or than the last flu virus they caught.

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The flu

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If one has contracted Swine Flu are they more likely to die than if they had contracted normal seasonal flu?

swine flu is not as bad as normal flu

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What is the history of Swine Flu?

it is bad lol

What is flu stand for?

The term flu is short for influenza. The term comes from the Italian for "influence". Meaning that some bad air or bad water influenced the event.

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Is bird flu good or bad?

i see no good things on bird only cause more problems

Is Swine Flu good or bad?

=== === BOTH!. Its good because if you have swine flu and you get rid of it; your immune system gets stronger. It is bad because you can die from it. and im only 10!

Im sure you have flu my sons school has 2 cases of Swine Flu how will you know if you do?

Well, it's quite easy. The swine flu symptoms are these : Having a high temperature (fever) Having very bad coughs Having a very bad headache Having a blocked or runny nose Having a very bad sore throat Usually, when people catch swine flu, the fever indicates that they have caught the swine flu.

How do you tell a preschooler you have aids?

Just say that you have a bad flu