Dengue fever affects the cardiovascular system and bradicardia might be seen.
A too slow heartbeat
jantung yang berdenyut lambat
Bradi-, as in "bradicardia". From Greek "bradys" (slow - lento)
There are 4 normal forms in databases. First normal form, second, third and fourth normal forms are there.
First normal form, second normal form, third normal form, fourth normal form, fifth normal form and Boyce Codd normal form. See the related question below.
Normal. Now what is normal? Normal is when society is not offended.
Yes, it is quite normal.
normal procedure in technical writing is a normal proceddure
The standard normal distribution is a special case of the normal distribution. The standard normal has mean 0 and variance 1.
i think 45 is normal, 50 still normal, 55 still normal, 60 not good.
It is normal to replace them.It is normal to replace them.