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to make sure that the disease will not

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Q: What is rule out metastatic disease?
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Related questions

What is neoplasm metastatic disease?

Neoplasm means tumor, and metastatic means the tumor has spread. Taken together, they mean cancer.

When is radiation used to treat metastatic colon cancer?

Radiation also is used in the treatment of patients with metastatic disease. It is particularly useful in shrinking metastatic colon cancer to the brain.

Why do they use PET scanning for breast cancer studies?

To identify metastatic disease

Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer?

is a very dangerous disease, likely terminal.

What does metastatic disease cannot be ruled out on a bone scan mean?

It means that the cancer may have spread.

How are cancers classified?

Metastatic and non metastatic.

What disseminated malignancies has worst prognosis 1 metastatic breast cancer 2 metastatic choriocarcinoma 3 metastatic seminoma 4hodgkin lymphoma 5 non hodgkin lymph?

metastatic breast cancer

Does a change of diet help in the stages of liver cancer?

Cancer are usually staged I to IV with I being localized disease and IV being advanced, and usually metastatic disease. Limit alcohol consumption since it is metabolized by the liver.

What is a metastatic foci?

by DonJuanDaDj, metastatic foci is an orgin of the cancer cells that has moved to a new site

Are metastatic brain tumors deadly?

yes, metastatic brain tumors can be deadly if not treated properly.

What is Erbitix used to treat?

Erbitix (Certuximab) is used to treat cancer. Primarily, it is used to treat cancers of the colon and rectum. It is also licensed to be used for metastatic disease.

What is an underlying enhancing lesion or metastatic disease pertaining to a mri of the brain?

A MRI of the brain is used to find these conditions. You will not know the underlying issue until the procedure is completed and reviewed.