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Lactic acid settling in the muscles

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Q: What is the chemical cause of sore muscles?
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Which chemical makes your muscles sore after working out?

When muscles are over-exerted, the muscle cells carry out anaerobic respiration to compensate for the oxygen deficit. Lactic acid produced as a result of this causes muscles to become sore or develop cramps.

What is the chemical formula in sore muscles?

Usually, sore muscles are a result of a build-up of lactic acid. Lactic acid molecular formula is C3H6O3, or 3 carbon, 6 hydrogen, and 3 oxygen.

Can sore neck muscles cause occasional dizziness and pulsating tinnitus?

yes absolutely!

What would cause both palm muscles to be sore and stay sore for two weeks at a time with no injury?

stress on the musles, like pressure

What causes mucels to be sore?

Stress, over use, or heavy lifting are the more common cause of muscle aches. Besides that the flu can cause sore muscles but it comes with other symptoms too.

What is the connection between yogurt and sore muscles?

Lactic acid. This chemical results in the ache from exercise as it builds up inside muscles, and is a component of yoghurt as it is produced from lactose.

Why do your muscels hurt when you get mad?

Anger causes the release of hormonal signals that cause the muscles to tense up. When the muscles are tensed for too long, this causes fatigue and sore muscles.

Why are my buttocks muscles continually sore?

The muscles in the posterior can become sore due to overexertion. For instance, running or walking long distances can cause a great deal of soreness in the legs and buttocks.

Why do your muscles feel sore after training?


What six letter word starting with A means when the muscles of the body are sore?

Aching is a 6 letter word that describes sore muscles.

Why do my Legs ache when my feet are cold?

because cold can cause joints to become stiff and could also make your muscles sore