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Your answer is the prostate gland.

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Q: What is the gland that has an alkaline fluid that helps sperm live longer?
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Prostate gland secretion helps neutralize seminal fluid because the prostate secretion is?

The prostate gland secretion helps neutralize seminal fluid because it is alkaline in nature. This alkaline fluid, which makes up a significant portion of semen, helps neutralize the acidic environment of the urethra and vaginal tract, providing a more hospitable environment for sperm survival and motility. Additionally, the alkaline nature of prostate secretion may also help protect sperm from the acidic environment of the female reproductive tract.

The gland that produces a nourishing fluid for sperm?

The Prostate Gland secretes an alkaline fluid that helps the sperm live longer in the relatively acidic environment in the vagina. This helps neutralize the environment and allow the sperm to function and maximum capacity.

What male reproductive organ produces an alkaline secretion which helps sperm to live longer?

The accessory sex glands (such as seminal vesicles, prostate, and Cowper's glands) contribute fluid to semen. The seminal vesicles contribute to about 60-70% of the seminal fluid as they secrete their alkaline, white-ish, yellow, viscous material (which contains fructose, prostaglandins, and ascorbic acid). So, the seminal vesicles are the main contributor to the alkaline pH of semen. The prostate gland, however, also secretes materials (such as citric acid, fibrinolysin, prostatic acid phosphatase, and serine protease) which will make up about 25% of seminal fluid. Thus, the prostate gland also contributes to the alkaline pH of semen, but the seminal vesicles are the major players.

What is the difference between prostate gland and seminal vesicle?

The seminal vesicle contains a sugary substance that gives the sperm energy and the Prostate gland provides alkaline fluid which helps protect the sperm from the acidity of the vagina

What does the prostrate do?

The prostate is a gland in men. It helps make semen, the fluid that contains sperm

What is is the function of the prostate gland?

The main function of the prostate gland is to store and produce seminal fluid. Seminal fluid is a milky liquid that nourishes to secrete proteins and hormones that are added to the ejaculatory fluid produced by the seminal vesicles.

What is a gland that produces a fluid that helps keep sperm alive?

The prostate is the major one but the bulbourethral glands also secrete some components.

What gland helps with our immune system?

The Thymus gland.

What does prostate produce?

Prostate gland is part of males reproductive system. It helps the production of semen. Actually, the prostate secretes an alkaline fluid that mixes with semen. Semen is a fluid with milky appearance, and the prostatic fluid which has the function to nourish the sperm and semen and has the function carry the sperm from the testicles, through the penis route during orgasm (called also ejaculation).

What does the adrental gland helps regulate?

adrental gland

What is wrong if the testicles are not producing sperm or semen?

Testicles produce sperm. The prostate gland produces the semen fluid that helps nourish sperm. See a doctor for an exam to see if your prostate gland ducts are blocked.

Why the fluids produced by the seminal vesicle and prostate gland important?

The seminal vesicle provides nutrients and energy for the sperm as well as providing compounds that make sperm alkaline, which helps the sperm survive the highly acidic environment of the vagina. The prostate makes semen even more alkaline