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The Motor Area registers information and controls movement of the body.

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Q: What registers information and controls movements outside the central nervous system?
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What controls voluntary movements?

Skeletal muscles control voluntary movements.

The branch of the nervous system that receives sensory information and controls muscle movements is the?

somatic nervous system which is a part of peripheral nervous system.

What processes data from sense organs and controls body movements?

The brain along with the CNS (Central nervous system)

What are the four different nervous systems?

Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System

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a central authority that controls the living of a state

Where the operating system is stored in the computer?

in the registers ,the closest memory to the central processor unit.

What are the 2 types of nervous systems in the body and what do they control?

the two main types of nervous systems would be the parietal nervous system and the central nervous system. The CNS controls most voluntary movements, while the parietal system controls involuntary actions such as breathing and the fight and flight response.

Where is the motor cortex that controls voluntary movements of various parts of body located?

Its located in the cortex of the brain, the highest part of the brain. The left side of the cortex controls the right side of the body and vice versa. The actual motor parts are in known as the precentral gyrus. ----just in front of the central sulcus

What the peripheral system do?

Peripheral System is a division of the Nervous System. They have 2 types of cells. The sensory nervous cells carry information to the central nervous system; and the motor nervous cells carry information from the central nervous system. The Peripheral System is also divided into the somatic nervous system (controls the voluntary muscles) and the automatic nervous system (controls involuntary muscles).

What does the peripheral system do?

Peripheral System is a division of the Nervous System. They have 2 types of cells. The sensory nervous cells carry information to the central nervous system; and the motor nervous cells carry information from the central nervous system. The Peripheral System is also divided into the somatic nervous system (controls the voluntary muscles) and the automatic nervous system (controls involuntary muscles).

Who controls the printing of money?

Central Bank or any Monetary Authority of that country controls the printing of money.

What part of the brain controls muscle movements?

The primary motor cortex in the brain controls voluntary muscle movements. It is located in the frontal lobe of the brain and sends signals to the muscles via the spinal cord to initiate movement. Additionally, other areas of the brain, such as the cerebellum and basal ganglia, play a role in coordinating and fine-tuning muscle movements.