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Hm...pregnancy can be avoided to a extent but u cant avoid diseases with unnatural protection so think ...

Here are 3 ways to my knowledge

1)Suppose the first day of menses in a particular month is 5th. Add 14. U get 19th. Starting from 19th add & subtract 5 each. U get 23rd and 15th.So the period from 15th to 23rd is NOT SAFE. There is a 100% chance of getting pregnant during this period. If u want 2 avoid pregnancy, don't do sexual intercourse during this period

2)Ask the guy to pull out during the last moment, and spit it outside than inside urs. But chances are very less

3)use stop n proceed technique to spend more time but finally point 1 should be followed. Also should very careful about the period and calender

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11y ago
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15y ago

You can become pregnant at any time in your cycle, even while menstruating, although it is most likely about two weeks after your period.

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15y ago

On the link below there is a graph of the typical menstrual cycle this should be of help in answering this question.

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13y ago

You can only have a baby when you have your period. haha

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Q: How soon after menstruation can you fall pregnant?
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Yes you can. It is comparatively rare but it can happen.

Would you fall pregnant during your period?

No, you wouldn't fall pregnant during your period as there is no egg present during menstruation. However it is possible for you to be fertile during menstruation, this would mean that sperm from sex during menstruation may live long enough to fertilise the egg released during ovulation.

Do you get pregnant after menstruation?

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You ovulate two weeks before menstruation - thus the soonest you'd skip a period is that first period, two weeks after you get pregnant.

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Yes, it is possible to get pregnant directly after menstruation. If your cycle is especially short you may ovulate the day after your period, certainly you may be fertile during this time so could fall pregnant.

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The layer of the uterus that is shed during menstruation, approximately every 28 days, is the endometrium - this is the spongy mucosal tissue that develops after ovulation under the influence of progesterone to support the fertilised egg should a woman fall pregnant, if the woman doesn't fall pregnant then the endometruim becomes unstable and sheds aka menstruation.

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What if i got my period can i be preg?

If you're asking this question then you shouldn't be having sex. Obviously if you're menstruating you cannot be pregnant, menstruation will only occur if you didn't fall pregnant.

Do women menstruate even when they are pregnant?

Yes, Menstruation can also occur while pregnant, unless if she has menstruation disabilities.

Are you pregnant when you have white menstruation before your menstruation period?

it is called discharge

Do girls need there period to get pregnant?

No, girls don't need to have menstruated to get pregnant. Ovulation occurs BEFORE menstruation so you can get pregnant before menstruation.