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Q: When did hpv first break out?
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Do you disclose an HPV infection?

It is most responsible to disclose an HPV infection. Know that most people contract their first HPV infection shortly after the first sexual contact. It is unlikely that your partner does not also have HPV.

Can HPV break up a relationship?

Anything can break up a relationship. What will break up a relationship depends on the two people involved.

Who is most likely to have HPV?

Genital HPV occurs soon after first sexual experience. HPV that causes common warts is typically contracted in childhood.

What age can you be treated for hpv?

A woman can contract HPV the first time she engages in intercourse. Once a female is sexually active, she should receive regular PAP smears. If the cells are abnormal, it could be HPV. It can occur and be treated at any age.

How long can you have hpv without showing up in a pap smear?

First, a pap smear does not detect HPV. Instead, a pap smear looks for damage to cells by certain types of HPV. The vast majority of women and men are infected with HPV soon after having intercourse. For most, the infection is never detected or noticed.

Can you get HPV from centipedes?

You can not get HPV from centipedes.

Is hpv in your blood?

HPV is not in your blood.

Can smoking increase hpv?

No, once you get HPV you have it forever. You get HPV from intercourse or other skin-to-skin contact. HPV has nothing to do with smoking.

What are nicknames for hpv?

HPV is short for Human Papilloma Virus. In that sense, HPV is the nickname.

Is there a better approach to preventing HPV than vaccines?

Probably not. Most people first contract HPV shortly after starting sexual activity. If nobody had genital-genital contact until they found a single partner, HPV might be eliminated, but this scenario is not likely.

What is the pathogen of hpv?

HPV stands for human papillomavirus. HPV is a virus.

Do you have to get chemo if you have hpv?

No, you don't have to get chemotherapy if you have HPV. HPV is a common and usually self-limited infection. If HPV causes cancer, chemotherapy is sometimes needed.