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Q: When is the earliest age a girl can start puberty and periods?
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Why do a girl expirienceng a puberty?

Girls go through puberty when they start to be able to get pregnant thus periods being unfertillized eggs your body has got rid of.

What changes are in a girl's puberty?

Hip bones get widen, bodies become curvier, breasts start to develop, periods start, and you gain more weight.

How old a girl starts her puberty stage?

It depends really, I know a girl who started puberty at 8. Normally you should start round the age of 11-12 If you have your periods. Well thats puberty If you have shaved your armpits and vagina. Thats pubety If you have large breasts. Again its puberty....

Can a girl who has not yet reached puberty get pregnant?

You can only get pregnant if you are having your periods and you start your periods some time during puberty. (Ask a woman in your family about periods if you don't know what they are) In some cases your periods can start as early as nine years old but the norm (i think) is about 10 - 13 years. Don't worry if you start early or late though, the 'norm' is just the average. I wont explain about puberty because you are asking this question so you probably already know

What do you do when you get your puberty?

when you get your puberty if your a girl you will develop boobs and pubic hair and start your periods if you are a boy your willie will get bigger and you would get pubic hair both boys and girls will get teenage spots I hope this helps you x

Have you started your piriod?

Starting your period can be a big deal. It is the start of puberty for a girl. Periods can start from ages 8-16, but they most commonly come between the ages of 11 and 13.

What are some of the changes in a females body at the time of puberty?

Firstly, the girl starts to get periods. There is hair growth in pubic region. And breasts start to grow too.

When did Miranda Cosgrove start her periods?

Ok first of all who ever asked this question is a creeper and probibly wen she reached puberty just like any other girl.

When does the blood sheds from vagina for the girl to start puberty?

Puberty starts before the menstruation does. When a girl get her period varies so I can not tell you when you will get yours but it is whenever during puberty.

Can 9 year olds have their periods?

Yes, Every girl goes through puberty at her own pace. Although most girls get their periods between ages 10 and 16, some start a little earlier and others a little later.

Can you get your period before puberty?

its possible. there is a general age range for when girls go into puberty and start growing breasts, but that doesn't mean the same for every girl in the world. not everyone gets these changes at the same time or in the same way.

What does mean when girls start menstruate?

it means that the girl is puberty