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No it does not mean that you are pregnant. sometimes your periods are just shorter.

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Q: When your menstruation doesnt come the normal days and its come 3 days instead of 5 days does it mean that you are pregnant?
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If you have normal menstruation you cannot be pregnant.

How about 3 days after menstruation can i get pregnant if i have unprotected sex?

if you are a female with normal reproductive function - yes

Is no menstruation at eighteen normal?

It would be unusual for a girl who was not pregnant, and is certainly something to discuss with your doctor.

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If you feel it's normal I think your husband is wishful thinking. I doubt if you are pregnant.

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Why do you get menstruation?

It's a normal thing for every female. But some get irregular menstruation which means she might have a problem in her reproductive system which should be checked by a doctor. Why do you get menstruation? It's a sign which means you are ready to be pregnant. And it happens when a girl becomes mature and got through puberty except menstruation.

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well where da hellokitty do u think u came from?!

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Yes, some women do get extremely sore breast premenstrually.

Throwing up and having menstruation means what?

Throwing up due to cramps are not unusual when you have your period. It sounds completely normal. If you have your period you are not pregnant if that is what you meant.

Are you pregnant if you started spotting two days after your period?

No, if you menstruated then you are not pregnant - it is possible to bleed when pregnant, but biologically impossible to menstruate during pregnancy. Two days after menstruation spotting is normal, it's just the remaining blood leaving your body.

Why is a menstruation important for a female?

Menstruation takes place about once a month during a woman's reproductive years. If woman has normal menstrual cycle she can get pregnant. If woman hasn't menstruation she hasn't possibility of conceiving/bearing children.

White discharge before menstruation?

White dischare before or after your menstruation cycle is completely normal.