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There are four degrees of frostbite, first being the least severe, fourth being the most.

First degree is burning or throbbing pain, second is numbness, third shows broken blisters, and fourth actually looks mummified. ■

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8y ago

Second Degree burns are more severe than First Degree. Third Degree burns are more serious than Second and twice as serious as first.

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Q: Which is worse first or second degree burns?
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In court proceedings is first or second worse?

Since the question was put into the Crime and Criminal Law category, the answer is given in that context. First is worse than second in the sense that a crime of the first degree is worse than a crime of the second degree. First degree murder will call for a more severe penalty than will second degree murder.

Another name for third degree burns?

Second degree are also called partial-thickness burns. They are the second least severe type.

What is worse first degree or 3rd degree?

1st degree murder is worse.

What is worse 3rd degree or first degree murder?

1st degree is worse because you get a longer prison sentence and you plan on the murder, you go into the crime intentionally killing that person.

What is worse second or third degree burns?

A 1st degree burn affects the outer layer of the skin. The 2nd degree burn affects the outer layer of the skin and the layer just beneath it. A 3rd degree burn involves all the layers of the skin tissue's beneath them.

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you can use silvercine not quite sure of spelling though

Which is a worse form of burn first degree or third degree?

Third degree is the most severe.

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Is a first degree felony worst then a second degree felony?

The most severe is the First Degree Felony, which consists of murder, rape, etc. The higher the degree numerically [2nd, 3rd, 4th etc] the lower the severity.

Is a 4th degree burn full thickness burn?

There is no such thing as a 4th degree burn. Although, there can be very severe 3rd degree burns. To see pictures of some, you can look up "3rd degree burns" in the Google Images search engine.

What to do for A 1st Degree burn?

1st degree burns are basically sunburns. Only the outer layer has been damaged and it's very easy to treat and recovers very well. The only thing about 1st degree burns, is that they can hurt much much worse than 2nd or even 3rd. You can treat it by putting medicated cream, aloe vera, and cool clothes.