

Best Answer
  • Every individual has a different sense of what they feel is funny regarding a joke. Some people do not mind harmless jokes, while other people do not find crude or rude jokes funny at all. Perhaps the jokes told are simply not that funny to you and it is fine if you don't laugh at jokes. Everyone has that option.
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Q: Why do I not laugh at other peoples jokes?
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Which makes you laugh?

other peoples laugh

Why do you laugh at jokes?

We laugh at jokes because when we see or hear funny things we are forced by our body to laugh.

What does a comedian do?

Make people laugh through jokes or other antics.

How can you become funny?

You just be loose, be naturaul. Make jokes relative to other peoples good jokes.

Did Adam laugh at my Tal B K's jokes?

Yes. He always laugh at your jokes I mean, who wouldn't :)

What FUNNY Jokes?

Funny jokes are the ones that make you laugh!

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What are jokes for?

Jokes exist to make people laugh. Jokes also exist to make smile on your face also to make you happy whenever you are tense.

What can you laugh about?

anything like jokes

What do you do after jokes end?

if the joke is funny, you laugh.. if it's not, you don't laugh..

Frame a sentence with the word laugh?

I always laugh at good jokes.

What jokes would Justin Bieber laugh at with his girls?

Of themselves and their inner jokes.