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It might need a new seat or have one leg shorter than the others.

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Q: Why do we need a stool exam?
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Are black stool and period like cramping a sign of pregnancy while on implonon birth control?

No. Black stool is a sign that you need an exam by your health care provider. Please call today.

What is O and P exam for fecalysis?

O & P stands for ova and parasites - for a stool sample.

using a stool soften?

using a stool softener like colace may help, and it may be purchased at any pharmacy over the counter, but you should still see our doctor for a rectal exam

I have a new vanity in my bathroom, but, I can't find a stool high enough, should I consider a bar stool instead?

It's all about you and your comfort. You need to get whatever stool will work in this situation. If this is a bar stool then that is what it will be.

What is exam skill?

The skill you have/need to answer an exam.

Do you need a vaginal exam if you have had a complete hystroectomy?

do you need a vaginal exam if you have had a complete hysterectomy

What size bar stool for a 36 inch kitchen island?

You'll need between 21 and 25 inches for each stool, depending on the width of the stool.

How often does your dog need a fecal exam?

Pets need a fecal exam every six months.

Garden Stool ?

form_title= Garden Stool form_header= Create a beautiful atmosphere with a garden stool. What size stool do you want to buy?*= _ [50] What color do you want the stool?*= _ [50] What is the square footage of your garden?*= _ [50] How many stools do you need?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5}

Soft White tissue in stool?

Soft white tissue that is found in the stool can be an indication of a tapeworm infestation. White tissue in stool can also indicate a food allergy. If symptoms persist, you need to consult a physician.

Why after you stool isee a thick white sticky mucus and what is it?

Answer: Passage of mucus in stool can suggest colitis, infection or a villus adenoma / polyp. You need to see your Doctor to check this out

What are the advantages of using a Swivel bar stool?

A swivel bar stool can be an advantage over a traditional bar stool as it is easier to get up and down. You don't need to move the stool from its position as you can turn around to jump off. You can also more easily turn towards someone to talk to them.