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Tubal Ligation is when the fallopian tubes are tied, cut, or blocked somehow to stop them from getting pregnant. This does not stop the menstrual cycle as women still ovulate and the uterus lining still plumps and sheds as it would normally.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes, a woman can still get her period after having a tubal ligation. The only ting that a tubal ligation does is stop you from ovulating. The only way you stop having your period is by either going through menopause, having a hysterectomy, or another medical condition that stops you from having your period.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

yes, if you were having them before the procedure, you will have them afterwards.

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Q: Why do you still get a menstrual cycle after tubuligation?
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