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Cardiac flutters do not generally make you gasp or cough, they are more related to a rapid heartbeat and tachycardia. Congestive heart failure can produce a slight cough. If you are experiencing symptoms that you are concerned about make an appointment with your physician.

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Q: Will flutters make you gasp or cough a little is that your heart or something to do with your diaphragm?
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What does your diaphragm look like when you cough?

It opens up a little. Its naturally flat

What could be wrong if when you cough at night sometimes your abdomen flutters?

this is not a complete medical answer. i am not a doc. but my mom's a nurse and she said: When you cough the muscles in your abdomen contract, kinda like exercising. when you over exert muscles they will flutter or twitch on there own.

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Birds may sneeze, chirp, and breath hard, but they are unable to cough. In able for an organism to cough they inhale particles, postnasal drip, or accumulation of fluids. These types of irritation cause the sensory neurons in the respiratory passages to send impulses to intake air, trap it in the lungs by closing the epiglottis, and the muscles around the diaphragm to contract so the air (and hopefully the irritating substance) is forced out. Birds do have lungs but they do not have a diaphragm. This means that air is circulated through pressure changes in the air sacs. The absence of the diaphragm means that there is no way for a bird to cough.

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Well you could say they.... cough, cough, fool around a little if you know what i mean.

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It is likely a symbol for the brand name. For example, Halls cough drops have an "H" on them.

Is there nervous tissue in the respiratory system?

Neural impulses cause diaphragm and chest cage to move down wards and outwards respectively so that air can move into lungs Cough reflex is mediated by nerve impulses/reflexes

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drink cough syrup

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A little boy had it i was from a cough

What does it mean when you are a teenager and you cough and sneeze all of the time and for no reason you cough and spit out blood?

something is wrong - call your doctor!