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The period can be late without you having a miscarriage. It happens from now and then. If you had a miscarriage the test will show positive for a little while longer since it takes time for the hormones to settle.

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Q: You missed your period for 6 days after that your period started you want to know that whether it was a early miscarriage?
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Could a woman have a miscarriage before her first missed period?

yes a women can have a miscarriage any where between ovulation and her missed period some women know and some do not

You missed your period for ten days and when it started on the 11th day it was in clot form was it a miscarriage?

no. that just means you had an infection or something was blocking the blood and tissue

You were suppose to start your period on the tenth of July but missed it and started the thirty first of July and you feel like you could be pregnant Why is this?

you could be having a miscarriage

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I had my period then 9 days after I started spotting could i be pregnant?

probably you were pregnant and had a miscarriage

What is the cause of a long period after a missed period?

I went through the same thing and I had a miscarriage, there was lots of blood clots and the bleeding was extremely heavy and lasted for a week exactly.

You missed your period in April now you been having implantation bleeding and today makes the 4th day?

The only implantation bleeding you should experience should be a couple of days before your period is due - not a month after you miss your period. Are you sure you are pregnant? It could be the beginning of a miscarriage. Implantation bleeding doesn't last 4 days hun. Its rare when it lasts this long. AND if you missed your period in April you definitely will not be having implantation bleeding now. You may be experiencing a late period which is lighter than normal for you. But I would have a blood test to see if you are pregnant or whether its a hormonal problem causing the missed period.

A pregnancy test result was negative then you started bleeding. Now you've taken two pregnancy tests reading positive. Did you have a miscarriage when you started bleeding?

This is difficult to answer. It depends on whether you performed one or more pregnancy tests. If you only took one test then its very possible this test was faulty but false positives are not as common as false negatives. If the bleeding arrived when your period was due and was exactly like a period then I would personally believe this was your period and is not caused by a miscarriage.

Is that miscarriage blood after a miscarriage or your period?

The bleeding you experience during a miscarriage is notyour period. It is bleeding due to losing the baby.

If you miscarried 6 weeks ago and still haven't started your period could you be pregnant?

No. It can take 8 or more weeks to get your period back after a miscarriage.

May have had a miscarriage you passed tissue but you did not save it and didnt think anything of it until you just started your period again i had no other signs or symptoms of a miscarriage?

Were you diagnosed as pregnant? If you were in fact pregnant and now started you period again you "did" have a miscarriage. In the early stages of pregnancy a miscarriage is not always going to have any major symptioms. Discharging tissue could be something else if you weren't pregnant. I would see a doctor if you continue to have such discharge in the future.

What if you already started trying to double up on the pills you missed and still have one extra pill after taking 2 pills for next 2 days then started period?

When do you start a new pack of birth control pills if you stopped in the middle of the previous pack and missed 3 pills then started period?