The birth name of prince Royce is Geofrey ROYCE Rojas and his birthday is on May 11!
prince Royce was born and raised in the BRONX,NY
US singer Prince Royce was born Geoffrey Royce Rojas on May 11, 1989.
prince Royce was born and raised in the BRONX,NY
He Was Born May, 1989
US singer Prince Royce was born Geoffrey Royce Rojas on May 11, 1989.
She is 3 years and 2 months (38 months) younger than Prince Royce. Selena Gomez was born July 22, 1992. Prince Royce was born May 11, 1989.
Prince Royce is 5'8
Prince Royce is not indeed Puerto Rican, Geoffrey Royce Rojas( his original name) was born of the son of parents who are Dominican.
Geoffrey Royce Rojas ( Prince Royce)
you can get Prince Royce at his website www.Prince
Prince Royce Is a singer-songwriter